A ToyVoyager is a travelling toy, making its way around the world by passing from person to person. Its journey is logged on this website by people just like you!
The next step of its adventure is now in your hands!
There should be an ID number on its tag. Enter the ID number in the box on the home page and you will be able to access your ToyVoyager's Travelog.
Firstly, please write an update to say that it has been found. If you can take a photo of it, then even better! To update the travelog, click on the 'Update this Travelog' button (top right of the screen). If you are not already logged on you will be asked to login / register before you write the update.
You can take it around yourself, show it some places, photograph it and update its travelog.
It is much better to pass the ToyVoyager on to somebody else than to keep hold of it thinking you might do an update one day. There is no shame in writing an update to say that the ToyVoyager has been found and then immediately looking for somebody else to host it.
You have a few options for passing your ToyVoyager on:
- you can pass it directly on to somebody else that you know
- you can find another member of the site to send it on to via the ToyVoyagers Forum (write an entry in the ToyVoyagers Looking for Hosts section)
- you can release it back into the wild
If you need to know more, please check the FAQ on the help menu You can also ask questions in the Forum. Or send a message to Admin.
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