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Travelog post for: Ronnie

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Hessen Maintal-Dörnigheim, Germany - 13th July 2009

By: Misha

Hello mommy,
Today, the Lan party started. It was so exciting. We are total of nine people and each has brought his PC. as I said. a lan party is a party where you play different games. e.g "Warcraft", World of warcraft", "Counter Strike 1.6". The games are brutal, which is shot with pistols.
for me and misha it's really nothing. LittleWestiePup does not like it really.  :stare:
But the friend of misha's boyfriend are all nice.
nils has made with us a photo. he is somewhat under the influence of alcohol, but he is really nice and funny.  :cyclops: The youth today.  B)
in the next few days do I sign up again with you. and new photos, you will also see.

Hugs and kisses


* Posted Jul 13, 2009, 12:07 pm [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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