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Travelog post for: Viola

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Moscow, Russia - 30th July 2012

By: Trissa

Hi all!
Today, I was near the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.
Temple - the largest in the Russian Church. Designed for 10,000 people.
The original church was erected in memory of the Napoleonic invasion, "the preservation of the eternal memory of that unprecedented effort, loyalty and love for Faith and Fatherland, however in these hard times extolled the Russian people themselves, and to mark our gratitude to Divine Providence for saving Russia from threatening her to death "[1]. It was built by architect Konstantin Ton. Construction lasted nearly 44 years: the church was laid September 23, 1839, consecrated - May 26, 1883.
December 5, 1931 the church building was destroyed. Rebuilt in the same place in 1994-1997.

Now Temple has become particularly well known in connection with the case of the four girls who call themselves the punk band "Pussy Riot". February 21, they wore masks, and sang a song at the altar of political content. Now the court passes over them.


* Posted Aug 11, 2012, 6:45 am [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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