Hi, mom!
Let me finish my story about Thailand today. It was an unforgettable adventure and so a pity that it ended, but experience is amazing!
Here we go to the airport by the car. I want to take a rest and lie down on kindly provided sofa - so convenient and soft.
The tiny and lovely airport on Samui. Compare with my first photos from the Moscow airport. And what are those mad lamps on a ceiling?
Now in the airport there is an exhibition of the children's drawings devoted to the king. He is extremely popular among the people; it takes root since the childhood.
Just look, how many things people should leave at customs! Unfortunate tourists forget to put them in their suitcases. I am impressed especially by a huge heap of scissors
Airport is so unique! It is similar to the Moscow one, only imagine that 2 floors are stretched like one and a roof is demolished
Here it is possible to take rest on such remarkable small benches and admire a flowerbed with tulips.
Even indexes here are special - lovely monkeys. And flowers are everywhere.
And also ponds loved by Thais. How many of them I’ve met since the travel beginning?
A little bit more flowers
It is a waiting room. Certainly, not so grandiose, as at the Moscow airport, but very light and bright
Eh, last view of greens and broad lands. I hope, I will return here again!
We get on a bus, which will bring us to the plane.
And, here it is. The smallest and the cutest plane I’ve ever seen. I hope, it will reach well?
We are loaded into luggage...
And the last whom we see in Thailand - the security guard of the airport – Virulhok. It’s a giant with a dark blue body. He was the ruler of Maha anthakarn – the subterranean world. Bye-bye!!