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Travelog post for: Kaspian

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Hotel Monte Vista, Flagstaff, Az, USA - 14th October 2008

By: ashl_bee

My first night here in Flagstaff, my host Ashley is taking me out with her and her friends. After a short walk from the university to what they call "downtown", we ended up at Hotel Monte Vista. Ashley told me that this hotel is said to be haunted and has been featured on several television programs, and written about in books.

We started out in the Lounge.

One of many ghost stories about the Hotel Monte Vista is one that sepcifically happened in the lounge. It is said that in 1970, three men robbed a nearby bank & during the robbery, a bank guard shot one of the men. Despite their injured comrade they decided to stop by the hotel lounge and have a drink to celebrate. The wounded man bled to death while enjoying his last drink. Since then both patrons and staff have reported being greeted by a an anonymous voice saying "Good Morning!" There have also been reports of barstools and drinks that seem to move on their own.

There were too many people sitting at the actual bar so Ashley and her friends went up to a different level to play pool.
These are the tables.

All the girls had to use the restroom. Since I keep hearing all about these ghost stories, I thought I would sit out and see if I could have a ghost sighting of my own.
This is a comfy couch for ghost hunting, but I didnt see anything. Next to the hotel lobby.
This is the lobby. Doesnt look like there are any here either. Darn! Maybe next time.

After a few more rounds of pool, and some more drinks we braved the cold and walked home. Here is a great picture Ashley got of the hotel as we were leaving. I was snuggled in her purse though to keep me from catching illness.

I cant wait to see what else she has planned for me!

* Posted Oct 20, 2008, 5:28 am Last edited Oct 26, 2008, 7:32 pm by ashl_bee [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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