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Life Missions

(1 out of 5 complete)

to be on the top of the Empire State building

to visit Finland and see in a shop with Inge Löök postcards

Sit on a Ulmer Schachtel on or near the river Donau

see sheeps by the Mont St Michel and on the Clifs of moher

see Dresden and Berlin

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Travelog post for: Gwënelle

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Hämeenlinna, Finland - 11th May 2012

By: emmakko

Hi mum!
This morning Emma told me that today is going to be a special day and that we will have many things to do. First I helped Emma with vacuum cleaning...
... And then we placed old newspapers all over the house. I was wondering if this is a Finnish tradition or something. Those Finns do all kinds of weird things, I have noticed. Maybe they are going to have some kind of newspaper party?

When the house was clean and the floors were covered with newspapers Emma introduced me to this colourful guy. He was so colourful and I was sure that he will be one of the guests of the newspaper party.

When Emma's mum came home from work we went to the car and drove a loooong way...

And when we came back home we had got a new family member, a miniature schnauzer called Pyytti!
She is so small and pretty, isn't she? By the way, I realized quite fast why we had placed newspapers on the floors...

Möksö was a bit confused at first. She is so used to be the baby of the house :)

The proud big sister:

* Posted May 20, 2012, 5:03 pm [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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