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Travelog post for: Terry

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London, England - 15th April 2009

By: iddewes

Hi again!
Just been to the City of London - the oldest part of London - where my hostess works. She works at London Metropolitan Uni there.
It's interesting because most of it doesn't look very old now - it's also the financial centre, so there were a lot of new buildings put up recently - only now there's a recession, so maybe there won't be so many new buildings...!
But anyway...we walked over to the Tower of London, which is only about 10 minutes walk from her work. It's nearly 1000 years old!!! Not the whole building, but part of it. It has been a royal palace, a dungeon, a site of execution..now it's mostly a museum, but some people still live there, they work for the Queen. The Queen doesn't live there at all now though.
Just outside it - here's a bit of a wall that dates back to when the Romans were in Britain - with a statue of a Roman to go with it!
Found an interesting sign about the Tower (that's its wall behind)
...and...the Tower...
This is Traitor's Gate...a boat used to come in through this gate with a prisoner in it! :S
there's the river again!
Here's Tower Bridge! It's a lot newer than Tower of London though, I think it's maybe from the 19th century. It can open up in the centre for big ships to go through, but usually it's never opened now.
Oh I never quite saw what Dead Man's Hole is though!
Had a bit of a look nearer my hostess' workplace!
As you can see it's VERY BUSY around there!
But here are some nice flowers!
Here's the London Underground Station for Aldgate - we haven't been on the London Underground trains yet!
A sign showing where we are!
Here you can see the sign for London Metropolitan University (it's purple!) and also a kiosk where they sell jellied eels. Sounds really yucky to me, and my hostess would never eat them, but it's a traditional East End of London food.
Just a sign on a pub showing we are on Whitechapel Road
And now we're inside my hostess' office.

* Posted Apr 15, 2009, 11:11 pm [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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