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Travelog post for: Terry

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Lich, Hessen, Germany - 4th July 2009

By: AnjaM

Mittelalterlich Phantasie Spectaculum
Lich, Hessen, Germany
4 and 5 July 09

Day 1 - Saturday, 4 July 2009
Part 3

Time to party!!!

Hi Mommy,

now, after a long and exciting day, the sun was setting in the sky, dusk was breaking, and we.......

Went home and to bed???? Are you crazy??????  :o

No way! Now, it was time to party!!!!  :p

Anja's friends took out a Shisha (water pipe) and filled it with fruit flavored tobacco and some coals. We got ourselves a beer and a small bottle of strawberry liqueur.

By the way, such a bottle is called a "Flachmann" (= "flat man" ) in German, and it fits into jacket and coat pockets, if you are so inclined...  ;)



time to fire up the shisha


aaaah, watermelon flavor!!!
(this stuff is more fruit flavoring than actual tobacco)


Good stuff!  :D


It was a warm evening, so our beer evaporated quite quickly  :D

So we went and got some bottles of mead.

The light mead is flavored with Linden blossom honey (remember the Linden tree on the farm? The bees make the most delicious honey from its blossoms!)


and the dark mead is flavored with cherry and elderberry juice


Soon, it got dark, and all the people gathered around the campfires.
Some on their cloaks, some on blankets and some sitting on bales of straw - and all listening to the beautiful music of the medieval bands playing and looking dreamily into the fires



which slowly burned down


while we all were sitting in the dark, warm eveing, talking softly

and listening to the music

Try listening to the music, Mommy, and looking into the fire. Then you will feel  the mood of this beautiful evening.

When the fires had burned down, we all went home and slept like babies.


This band was not playing there, but this was the kind of music they played at the festival.

* Posted Jul 7, 2009, 5:08 pm [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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