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Travelog post for: Terry

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Springfield, MO, USA - 28th January 2010

By: CandyStar

I have made it safely to the USA once again! :D It was cramped inside my box, and I'm happy to escape!  My new friend Jesse says that it was awesome to receive a brown paper package tied up with string (She started singing "These are a few of my favorite things..." but it hurt my ears so she stopped). She and I also got to enjoy the yummy Russian chocolate in my package. :) Yay!


My first sight upon escaping my box was to see a room full of very intense-looking college students, all staring at tvs and pushing buttons on fancy control panels. I was confused, but Jesse explained to me that we were inside her college's TV studio. Her boyfriend directs a tv show for the campus tv station (all very amateur... the actors were quite terrible ;) haha). I loved looking at all the equipment. Jesse took a picture of me there before they all had to get back to work. They let me watch, though, and everyone was very interested to know why a tiny tiger and Russian chocolate were visiting them! I think they may have been more interested in the chocolate than me, though... greedy, hungry college students!


That's all for my first taste of Springfield, MO! Soon I'll tell you about the other ToyVoyagers I met after the tv studio, and the blizzard that hit the day after I arrived!!! But... ta ta for now! :D

* Posted Jan 30, 2010, 8:06 am [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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