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Travelog post for: Leila

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Oulx, Italy - 2nd December 2012

By: Blackie

Hi Mummy! :)

Here I am again!

Today I could finally come out of my envelope and have a look around, breathing the fresh air again!
My host came to pick me up with all my new friends: Trifolo the rabbit and Wellington the penguin, who are living with her, and 2 other ToyVoyagers: Orkku Orava the squirrel and Gaspode the dog.

As I heard someone speking outside, I started shouting to come out -I was sooo tired to stay there! :(

Luckily, they open the envelope quickly!






Here I am!!!! :D


I greeted everybody and gave them the Mommin lollipop I took with me your letter, Mum. They read and promised they will keep good care of me. I'm sure they will!!!!  :D


As I've been in the envelope for so long, my new friends invited me for a stroll outside. It's very cold and there is snow!!!
Trifolo was too cold to come outside, but Wellington was very happy to come with us!


We even engaged in a small snowballs battle -Wellington and Orkku Orava VS. me and Gaspode!  :p



Then we tried to build a snowman...


... but the snow was too iced and we couldn't really model it, so we had to give up! :(

It's so cold that all the water now is ice. Wellington looks quite happy, but all of us other wouldn't dare to walk on pure ice!!!


Then we went back home for lunch.

Did you know it's our host's birthday today???? I didn't neither...  :(

But of course her mother did, so she made a special cake for her!!!!  :D
Something Hello-Kittish...


We ate it with some good Spumante, it was really good!!!! :D



* Posted Dec 2, 2012, 3:53 pm [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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