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Travelog post for: Brownbeard

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Essen, Germany - 4th March 2012

By: La_Kate_Boheme


I spent t' evenin' in Essen today. It's a city which belongs t' t' Ruhr Area, just like Dortmund. I watched a musical called "Elisabeth" thar in t' Colosseum theatre. This show be about Elisabeth, t' empress o' Austria and queen o' Hungary. But it's NOT like t' kitschy Sissi movies with Rome Schneider. It's about her real life... About her bein' bullied from Sophie (t' mother o' t' emperor Franz Joseph), her depressions, t' suicide o' her son Rudolf and finally her own death.. A special thin' be that thar's a person representin' t' role o' t' death who follows Elisabeth in several times o' her life. She has somethin' like a love affair with him.
So as you can see, it's not a good-mood-musical, it's kinda depressin' and thought-provokin'
It's me host's favourite musical at t' moment because it has so profound. However. This musical be on tour and it was only 4 weeks in Essen. This evenin' was t' last show here in Essen and it was very emotional and kind o' sad for t' cast and t' fans. I think t' cast was great and I really like t' musical!! They will definitely be missed here.

Well, this picture was made on t' way t' Essen. It rained :(

In t' past t' theatre was a industrial buildin' which belonged t' t' "Krupp" concern. It was built in 1900 and was not destroyed in World War II, in contrast t' other buildin's o' t' Krupp concern. In 1995 and 1996 it was converted t' a musical theatre.
You can still see remainin' o' t' industrial time in t' foyer. I think it looks great!! It's a mix o' t' old steel constructions and mondern stuff.
Do you see t' large windows and t' steel? It's typical for industrial buildin's.. I think t' buildin' tells so many stories and has so much history in it. Awesome!

This is the theatre hall itself:

Well, I was not t' only TV thar.

Tiffy, a bucko o' Kate, took Bubo - a TV which she be currently hostin' - t' t' theatre. He's very nice and we talked a lot about toyvoyagin' and travels.

Of course HolgiHH was involved, too!! :)

Last but not least this be t' cast list and t' ticket:

It's late now and I need some sleep.
I'm shovin' off
Brownbeard http://specialsmilies.com/pixels/albums/pirates/pirate_smiley_captain_wink.gif

* Posted Mar 5, 2012, 1:22 am Last edited Mar 5, 2012, 9:16 am by La_Kate_Boheme [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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