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Life Missions

(0 out of 5 complete)

Go to Antarctica.

Meet a real lovely French kitty ... in France!

Eat a meal on a plane, a ship and a train (0 of 3).

See a little red cabin near water or get warm in a real sauna.

Make homemade cookies shaped like kitties.

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Travelog post for: Jack the Cat

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Bruchsal, Germany - 5th March 2011

By: fam-united

It's breakfast time on a Saturday in Bruchsal. Most Saturdays my hosts buy bread rolls from their favorite bakery in Bruchsal. You can see them here. It is hard for us to choose the one we love too. Our host said, that we have to share one bread roll, because it would be enough for us to eat - we are so small, she said.



We decided to take a "Krusti" and Cilly cut it in two halves.



Now we had to decide, which marmelade - jam-  we wanted to have on the bread roll halves or if we would like honey from Australia or hazelnut cream. The most jam is selfmade by our host's husband.:)


We chose Australian honey.




* Posted Mar 13, 2011, 5:24 pm [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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