Hi Mom!
I have been here in Lahti Finland for a while, but my host has been very busy at work, so here comes my first update. But don’t worry Mom, I have had nice company here, two funny fellows The Wotwots and our “real” host Droopy the Dog.
My host started her summer holiday, and first thing she wanted to do, was go to forest and pick some blueberries, and maybe mushrooms too. Mom, did you know, that here in Finland you can pick berries from any forest you want (not from anyone’s garden of course), but from forest, no matter who owns it. This right is called “every man’s right”. There was very nice and quiet in forest, and we found lots of blueberries (but no mushrooms). I myself prefer blueberry leafs. I also tasted heathers and lichen. Reindeers eat that in Lapland, I think it was kind of dry.
We shared candies, I brought with me. And at evening we had blueberry pie with vanilla sauce. Yummy!
Kisses Mom!