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Visit each continent at least once (4/6)

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Climb a mountain higher than 4000m

See a real wild animal (outside a zoo)

Return home one day, after completing all my missions

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Travelog post for: Lotta

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Lahti, Market square, Finland - 4th September 2012

By: sirkku-susanna

Hi Mom!

Last Sunday we all went to harvest market at Lahti market square as our host promised.  It was quite cold and raining, as it usually
does nowadays. Market was bit a disappointment. Only few booths, and nothing to buy.  :(

But we saw couple of interesting things. At first picture you see me with soup canon. They are used by Finnish army. Lots and lots of soup there Mom. And then we saw “maakellari” groundcellar. At old times people dig them under ground to keep food cold. At top of them there were plants growing, they were like little hills. Now you can buy groundcellar from market, as you can see. Grass up there looked quite taste, but I’m too small to climb there.

Love you Mom!


* Posted Sep 28, 2012, 6:40 pm [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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