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Numa Pass, Canada - 20th September 2014
Hi Mum, today we went for another hike, and just one week and less that 100 km away from where we went last week, conditions where a bit different . After a bit we passed by this gully, but sammino explained that we were not going up there. Later we found this lovely sofa and decided to rest and enjoy the sun chitchatting for a while . As we kept going we started seeing the southern part of the Rockwall . Further on we reached the gorgeous Floe Lake with its crown of rocky walls . A final effort took us up to Numa Pass. From there we could see the trail we had just followed,... ..., Floe Lake and Floe Peak,... ...and on the opposite side Numa Creek Valley... ...and the Rockwall heading north . What a day !
Posted Mar 16, 2015, 1:19 am [Quote]
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