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Life Missions

(1 out of 5 complete)

To hug 10 animals of different species

To hug 50 different toyvoyagers

To learn to make a dish with bananas

To visit a zoo and see monkeys

To have someone to teach me the meaning of the expression banana republic

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Travelog post for: Arwen

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Novosibirsk, Russia - 1st December 2013

By: Abdysh

Привет, мамуля! Hi Mommy!

Happy First Winter's Day! We cheerfully celebrate it now, because everybody was afraid of not coming snow at all. It has never been so late before! This would mean bad soil and dim New Year, and we couldn't go to the ski resort in Sheregesh. But fortunately it's snowstorming today!

Snow must go on!

Walking on porch, I realised that I have warm cap and scarf, but my feet are bare! I asked Dasha to give me any boots, and she taught me how to make Siberian "valenki".

At first, we need a plastic template of my feet. It's called "kolodki" :)


Some wool and soapy water.

Soak and wrap it that way...

Then start to felt it. "To felt" is for "валять" (valyat' ) in Russian, that's why they called "valenki" - "made by felting" :)

Finally it needs drying on the "pechka" - the special stove. They don't have it in the flat, so we used an usual radiator.

My boots will be finished tomorrow morning. So Henna, don't worry, now I will not freeze! :D


* Posted Dec 1, 2013, 2:50 pm [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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