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To hug 10 animals of different species

To hug 50 different toyvoyagers

To learn to make a dish with bananas

To visit a zoo and see monkeys

To have someone to teach me the meaning of the expression banana republic

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Travelog post for: Arwen

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Novosibirsk, Russia - 30th December 2013

By: Abdysh

Hi!!! С Новым годом! Happy New Year everybody!
I'm so glad I'm finally can write here. We have bad problems with Internet. So sorry for long silence. :( Hope you had a good Christmas!

Orthodox Christmas Day is celebrated on January 7th, and it is not such great as New Year celebration, that will be tomorrow.
That's how we are preparing for. :)

Paking presents...

Eating ice cream in a shopping mall :)

Tree Bazar.

Last years real fir-trees aren't popular in Novosibirsk. They are much more beautiful alive, growing in a forest all together. Besides, artificial tree is much easier to use :)


Anna Potapovna, Kori, Tyunya and me decorated a little New Year tree too.


This set ёлка-малютка ('yolka-malyutka', little New Year tree) is about 50 years old, even Dasha's granny decorated it with her dolls, but the most of balls still look like new :)


The traditional figures of New Year are Дед Мороз and Снегурочка (Ded Moroz and Snegurochka). Ded Moroz (can be translated as "Grandfather Frost" ))) brings gifts to the kids, and Snegurochka ("Snow Maiden" ) is his granddaugther and helper.
The little...


and the big ones. :)

Dancing khorovod around the tree :)

I wish you happiness, health, luck and love. Let every your wish come true, and let each day of new year bring something magical! Smile and create, enjoy every breath your take. Don't forget that world is huge and life in it is wonderful. Happy New Year! :D

* Posted Dec 30, 2013, 6:52 pm [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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