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go to a Teddy Bear party

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celebrate New Year in 5 different countries

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Travelog post for: Nicki Bear

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Trier, Germany - 15th December 2007

By: fam-united

I'm so happy, that Petra decided to go to the Christmas market of Trier with her family. Short before dinner she found me in a shop on the Christmas market and she couldn't resist to buy me.

May I introduce myself??? I'm Nicki, the Christmas bear girl. And I'm so curious to see, what will happen now.

At first it seems, that everyone is hungry and so we go to an old cellar. I thought, that nobody wants to eat in a cellar, but this one is really nice.

After another walk over the Christmas market, we went home again. I'm so happy, that Petra took some more photos with me too. I saw, that I'm not the only bear in her family, because there are three beary guests at her home: Little Teddy from the Netherlands, Snowy from the USA and Tenderheart Bear from Australia. I'm sure we will have a lot of fun.

Back at the youth hostel we jumped in our bed at first and had a little rest. Another bear and a bunny joined us

After a while we got up again for a little play on the piano

Nicki Bear's travel plan:

Michele_one_L Thanks for being such a great host

USA Trail with BunTraveler (February/March), 3tmom, wourpet, carlissa, tarepanda (not the order of traveling) Thank you everyone for taking care of Nicki Bear

BlackCat (Germany)
JaymeC (Okinawa, Japan)

Australian Trail in January 2009


* Posted Dec 27, 2007, 3:05 pm [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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