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Travelog post for: Jimbo Elephant

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Orange, New South Wales, Australia - 4th January 2008

By: sararingham

I'm excited to start my travels. Tomorrow I'll be heading on my way to Hawaii - I'll be traveling around the United States, Canada, Cuba and then even Argentina before going off to Europe, Asia and possibly even South Africa. :-) I'm very excited to start my journey and meet new and exciting people and places all over the world.

Here are a few photos from this week that we're taken of me around the house, things that I'll miss, besides my mom of course - she doesn't like having her picture taken... ;-)

Here's me with my mom's finches, she has quite a few and they're all beautiful and curious, I've heard them since I got adopted and I've really grown to love their songs...

Here's me today with the fish tank, my mom and dad love to breed fish as a new hobby of theirs and yesterday I got to watch them scramble around as one of the fish was having babies, they we're able to save 15 babies from one lot. THATS A LOT!

Me with the Christmas tree, sometimes I wonder why people don't keep these beautiful decorations up all year, they're so cool looking, sadly we don't have real trees like they do in America as much - but I hope to see those real Christmas trees (still in the ground obviously since Christmas is over), they're so pretty, and quite prickly my mom has told me...

But I'm about off to Hawaii - I'll be spending a few weeks there before being shipped off to the continental United States. So exciting as while I'm up there so will my mom for a holiday. But my stay will be quite a bit longer. I can't wait to see the ocean for the first time which will be obvious I'll see a lot of the Pacific Ocean while I'm in Hawaii, how exciting! Hopefully my host will be able to post lots of pictures on my throughout my journey throughout the world, I want a lot to show my mom as I know she's worried about me. ;-)

Here I am, about to go, see you in Hawaii!

PS. Did you notice my new shirt? It has toyvoyagers on the front and it says my ID and my name on the back, I really love it - I think it looks fitting on me, what do you guys think?

Bye bye for now! Jimbo

* Posted Jan 3, 2008, 1:16 pm Last edited Jun 8, 2008, 4:56 pm by sararingham [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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