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Travelog post for: Leo Lion

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Incheon (Seoul), South Korea - 5th February 2008

By: sararingham

I got to visit South Korea in the mean time, how cool is that? I'm in America now and it's sure cold but mom told me that I'd be visiting here again when I go back to Australia. I'll be back off on my journey in only a short time after I arrive. No time to sleep off my jet lag, hey traveling is fun though so I don't mind so much!

This is a photo driving to Bathurst which is 45 minutes out of Orange. It was around 1am when this photo was taken, but it was sure dark and tiring to be awake so late at night!

As you can see it was REALLY rainy and cold in Sydney when we left, the second photo is the actual plane I was traveling on. Thankfully I had other TV's to keep me company, I was with Benni, Cronus/tv], Fish, Benson and Kooka three others that traveled along with us as well! Kooka was a new addition from the Sydney Airport! He was too cute to pass up so we got him and gave him a bit of traveling! He seems to enjoy as much as we all do!

First thing we did when we got to South Korea was called Daniel, isn't this pay phone weird? It even had a keyboard! How strange is that!

I had a look out the window, and it looks like the plane we rode in on, but it wasn't, this plane was off to Singapore in the morning!

We all shared a drink of Pepsi too on the stay in the terminal. Then we found somewhere to lay down and sleep for a bit... but of course we took a few photos prior to that, here are some random photos from around the airport...


We sat down again for a rest, this is a HUGE airport, then we finally found somewhere to sleep! All the TV's and I slept in a bag but Sara slept with us to keep us safe!...

Goodnight! :-)

During the daytime we took some more photos of what was around the airport, and we couldn't see much, but it still was pretty scenic since none of us have ever been to Korea let alone Asia! :-)


...almost time to go now...


...our flight was delayed about an hour as the other plane hadn't come in from Seattle yet. When it go there it was only 30 minutes and we were stepping back on the plane for another shorter flight of only 9 hours! :-) We landed in Seattle at 1130am and met up with mom's family at around 1pm after getting through immigration and customs. :-)

When we got there we met up with [tv]Charity Bear who is from Russia, she was in a bag for a few days before Sara arrived, she looked very happy to be out of there!

Afterwards we got to meet the resident cats, Jethro (the one in the top photo) and Ellie the one that was sniffing us. They're very nice! and surprisingly not brother and sister, they were born a day after each other! How strange is that?

We all helped Sara by making a pavlova for her family, it was really really yummy!

Afterwards we had a look outside, it was very cold! Sara said there's been avalanches in the mountains!

Now it was about time to just sit down and rest for the day I'm quite jet lagged but I'm happy to be able to rest for a few days!

* Posted Feb 4, 2008, 10:27 pm Last edited Feb 20, 2008, 6:27 pm by sararingham [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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