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Travelog post for: Apollo

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Reuver, Netherlands - 3rd March 2008

By: Lejow

Hello again!
So after a long night of sleep (Lejow went out of bed at 7 o clock, she had to work again hihi) I am finally ready to update my log with pictures of the last weekend!

I had SO much fun at LandallGreenparcs. We went to Reuver, a little place in Limburg. There is a parc with a lot of little (and big also) houses for people to stay in for a weekend untill a fe weeks. In the middle there is a big centre with al kind of things to do. Eat, shop, swimming, bowling, drink, playing games and so on.
Offfffcourse I made pictures!

Enjoying the house from the couch
(with Emil the donkey from Germany, and Pien the Elephant (pien belongs to Lejow herself and is ready to go to India soon!)


The view again, but with a squirrel, Can you see him? We called him Alvin, after the movie. Later that day we saw another 2, wich we called Simon and Theodore :D

Having breakfast

Making tea for breakfast

After breakfast we went to the parcplaza / centre. It was very nice



Playing games

what we have won with al the games!

Later that day we went to the centre of Reuver, we saw a big church

When we got back home it was almost 8 o clock.. I took a quick shower

Becauusee... Saturday night is Idols night! Today it was the finale!
Verrryy exciting
Nikki won, lejow thought she was the best one, so thats ok!


Nikki the winner

Sunday it was time to go home allready, but we didn't want to.. so when Lejow and her boyfriend were packing the bags, we played hide and seek!

But onfortunately, we really had to go.
I waved to the park a last time, and after a 2 hours driving trip we were back home in Poeldijk again!

Hugs Lejow

* Posted Mar 3, 2008, 4:22 pm [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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