A bear teaches us that if the heart is true, it doesn't matter much if an ear drops off.
-Helen Exley
Hello! Do I have exciting news for you...
Today MrsC and I went back to the SPCA to rescue some more bears... I was a little nervous, but no-one asked me to stay behind again... We bought up every bear they had except for one, he was too badly damaged to be repaired.
I asked this one if she wanted to be rescued and she just looked at me, so I asked her again... she just stared at me. I was just about to repeat myself when MrsC nudged me to take a better look... oops! I am sure she will get a pair of ears soon, and knowing MrsC as I do, this one is not going anywhere, she's getting a desk job...
This motley crew need washing and all manners of repair before they are fit to be passed on. It will be a busy weekend, for sure.
I noticed we had a few pandas in the crowd... they amused themselves with this rather hilarious book...
These girls just giggled during the photo shoot. I think under a ton of dust they are actually as white as they look in this photo...trust me that was just the camera flash!
Here we have a shy polka dot bear. I think the other one used to have polka dots too, she was at one stage a ladybird bear... we'll have to make a plan about her...
And last but not least... I had a very teary emotional reunion with none other than my baby brother Buttons! I thought he was lost for good. What a happy moment when MrsC found him stuck to a Velcro strap of a satchel! The happy moment lasted until she took him off the Velcro... he squealed like a stuck pig.
Poor, poor Buttons - he has also become very fragile in his old age. He needs a few stitches here and there. At least he has all his parts on the right way! Now that I have found him again, I am not letting him go... He also gets to share a spot on the desk with me.
Tomorrow we hand out pamphlets at the children's school to see if we can round up a few more bears. I'll keep you posted...