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Travelog post for: JBF Bear

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Stift Göttweig, Austria - 25th April 2015

By: Mausbären

Long time no see!

Today I went to Stift Göttweig, which is a really impressive monastery in Austria. It was founded in 1084  - which makes it of course very old.

In order to get there you habe to climb a mountain - but that was not much of a problem for me - as we took the car  ;)

We made a little tour though the castle. I was really in awe of the statues of the saints - they looked so close to life, that they sometimes were quite intimitating.

Another very intersting aspect of the monastery was that it had lots of features, which were not really "built in", but only "painted on" - so the church has two clock towers, but only one of them has a real clock. The clock on the other tower is only a painting. The same is true for some of the windows. Apparently it was really important to maintain the symmetry of the building.

I enjoyed our visit a lot!

See you soon!


* Posted Apr 25, 2015, 8:10 pm [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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