Hello mommy,
today we arrived my hosts home. The day is very sunny, but also very cold! The night was loooong, have you slept well? I was a little bit confused of the time change, but that was ok.
So early in the morning we leave the farm and drove to Julias home. She lives in the last floor of a high-rise. I was a little bit scared of watching down the balkonie, but Julia hold me tight, so I could watch around.
On the balkonie I found something crazy, so I think my host is a little bit crazy or have you ever seen trees in a cup? Julia called this flower "her tree with the hard name", because his name is so hard to pronounce. It is called "bougainvillea", but I like his colour.
Another crazy thing is the toy-prison. Yeah, you hear right! Julia has a toy-prison, but she told me it is called "pen" and it is a little bit strange, because Julia can't catch me in the pen. I'm so small I can slip through the rods.
And in the end I met Hanni the TV of my host. Hanni is still home and waits to go on tour in the round robin.
Today Julia was a little bit sad about the time change, because she wanted to show me a windmill, but her little daughter is to confused of the change. She took a very long nap.
But tomorrow we want to go out and see the windmill and maybe also a huskie-race.
Pink Bear