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Travelog post for: SammyFire

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Heilbronn, Germany - 27th December 2011

By: Zandy

Hey daddy!

After my really great surprise yesterday Zandy had a new one today. (She is really a great surpriseing-women  :D) We went to the theatre today. But not a normal theatre, it was a theatre-boat. Yes, you read right a ship on with they play theatre. But not this ig ones.


Therefore we must drove to Heilbronn, about 30 kilometres away from Zandys home. Here you can see me in front, or better behind - the theatre-ship.


And here are my friends and I in front on the "Neckar-Turm".


And at once in front of the theatre-boat. Behind us you can see a hotel, a famous one in Heilbronn.


Than it was time to go inside the boat. An look we met this nice guy. He was really funny. I never saw such a relaxing guy before.


At the break we had a look outside the bull's-eye. It was very difficult to take a picture outside.


Oh an daddy, look at our funny seats. There are from melted palstic. A funny idea. And they are more comfortable than they look.


After the show we walked back to the car and take this picture, now in front of the theatre-ship.


And we met this really nice women. It's the "Käthchen from Heilbronn"


So bye daddy!

* Posted Jan 9, 2012, 6:45 pm Last edited Jan 9, 2012, 6:46 pm by Zandy [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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