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Moscow, Russia - 3rd March 2012

By: Dangerousebeans

Hi, mum!
Terrible snowfalls still storm in Moscow; therefore we continue to visit museums! I’m waiting for spring, streams and birdies so much!  :D Today we have decided to visit the Polytechnical museum – one of the oldest scientific and technical museums of the world that emphasizes the progress of Russian and Soviet technology. The museum was opened in 1872 and it is completely devoted science development - chemistry, physics, electronics, there are over 190 thousand museum subjects. Our excursion was very interesting and informative. Everywhere I saw tablets in English that has allowed receiving tons of new knowledge for non-russian tourists. And also there are interactive models which will make a science more fun!
The very first exhibit that we met is the Soviet nuclear bomb – RDS-1. Its non-official name is The First Lightning (Pervaya molniya) and it was used in the Soviet Union's first nuclear weapon test, code-named Joe-1, in reference to Joseph Stalin. It was exploded on 29 August 1949, at Semipalatinsk, Kazakh SSR, after a top-secret R&D project. At Lavrenty Beria's insistence, the RDS-1 bomb was designed as an implosion weapon similar to the Fat Man bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan; it was an implosion type weapon with a solid plutonium core.
My host says that we live in very strange world when for peaceful life it is necessary to make bombs. If the USA after the attack of Japan stayed monopolist in nuclear arms, nobody could know, what would be a destiny of mankind. Thank God that Cold War hasn't outgrown in Third World one.
Then we have passed in the huge hall telling about the oil industry in Russia. Can you believe, that earlier oil extracted from wells like water till middle of 19 century? And was transported by camels. So weird!
I have been very impressed by a huge platinum nugget more than 9,5 kg in weight. It was found in the Ural mines. Host told me that platinum has been found for the first time in 1819 in Russia. But it was very cheap and was called as "rotten gold", nobody needed it. You know, a word "platinum" literally means «small silver». Such scornful name can be explained by bad fusibility of platinum so it was estimated twice lower than silver. Well now this nugget costs more than 530 thousand dollars! Certainly, it is a model, because it would be too dangerous to keep it here.  :cyclops:
In a museum it is possible to see development of art processing of stone, one of the first natural materials used by the men. Russian masters, unlike European ones, aspired to follow more unique natural drawing and beauty of marble, than templates. This marble mosaic table-top has been created in the Peterhof Lapidary Factory in 19th century. This well-known factory produced beautiful things for the Hermitage!
Look, there is a steelmaker's spoon It is made more than 40 years ago. So interesting that it is used not for the basic work of metal fusion, but for removal of tests. By this spoon a steelmaker scoops liquid metal and sends it to experts to find out, which components don't suffice the quality.
Here it is a first Russian TV with new, for the first time in the world applied standard of clearness in 625 lines  - "Moskvich-T1" (Muscovite – T1). I can't understand, what could be pleasant to watch it! Seriously, it is easier to listen to radio, than to crowd round the TV!
It is very amusing record player, isn't it? I saw many record players - they have these huge pipes which strengthen a sound. But this one has zither - the string resonator. Zither strings vibrate from a sound. Each string of a zither responds on a sound of "its" note, strengthening it. So unusual!
Also we saw different models of cars created many centuries ago. This one on a photo has been thought up in 1600 in Holland! Amusing, it is look like overland ship. Imagine, if such cars drive on streets today!
And in the end we have come into a hall of high technologies - computers! A group photo for memory! (There was very strict keeper who didn't like toys on technical devices)  B)
There is the main stage in working out of modern computers is presented – the machine tool which reads out punched cards. We have been told that at the beginning – in 1820 - there was a weaving loom working this way. The pattern which was necessary for weaving was set by them. Inventor Herman Hollerit has decided to use a similar method for processing of results of population census in America. Processing of results of last census has been counted almost seven years! And the population continued to increase … But the machine automatically processed results. Finally results have been processed for six weeks!

And at the very end of excursion we have seen this remarkable gadget for electricity development. Looks like a bicycle connected with wires. You should twist pedals, and in a case a device that  is sufficed of electricity – the hair dryer, a mixer or even the TV - starts to work! What a pity, that my legs don't get to pedals ;)

* Posted Mar 3, 2012, 1:48 pm [Quote] Go to the top of the page


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