Stratford-Upon-Avon, UK - 12th May 2006
By: Motti
Purdy sets off from Outside the Royal Shakespeare Theatre........................
Posted May 12, 2006, 11:52 am
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Las Vegas, USA - 15th May 2006
By: Mimi
Hello darlinks, just flown into Vegas to see Celine Dion at Ceasars Palace, with a glass of champers to celebrate, don't tell my mummy as I'm only 6 months old and she might not let me out to play again if she finds out...Hick..hick........Well I have a few auditions to go toso must dash. I just know I'm going to be spotted this time, will write more very soon xx
Posted Jun 26, 2006, 2:34 pm Last edited Jun 26, 2006, 2:54 pm by Mimi
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Las Vegas, USA - 16th May 2006
By: Mimi
Hi here I am again pictured with my new best friend whoops! Shes gonna put in a good word for me with her hollywood director friend....................
Posted Jun 26, 2006, 5:31 pm
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Las Vegas, USA - 18th May 2006
By: Mimi
.....And again!!! Pav says he has never heard such a beautiful voice in a young dog! Perhaps I should go down the "OPERA" road....we'll see.
Posted Jun 26, 2006, 5:35 pm
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The Grand Canyon, USA - 20th May 2006
By: Mimi
Mum says this could be the career launch I'm looking for. The baby Moses in the bullrushes!!! My audition was at the Grand Canyon!! They said I showed real promise......worrying thing ......they kept asking me to move back !!!?
Posted Jun 26, 2006, 5:39 pm
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