Lichtenfels, Bavaria, Germany - 30th November 2011
By: Yosemite
Hi, dear TVs!
What a great day! Just in this moment my ID arrived! I am so excited!
Now I hope, that a lot of people want to help me to fullfill my life missions and want to host me.
I want to see eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeverything of this planet!
Are YOU my first hoster?
Please write me a PM
Yours, Twixx
Posted Nov 30, 2011, 8:11 pm Last edited Dec 13, 2011, 2:59 pm by Yosemite
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Couch, Lichtenfels, Germany - 2nd December 2011
By: Yosemite
What a lousy weather outside! My Mum was shopping and bougt for me some sweets!
So many Twixx on this photo 
Posted Dec 2, 2011, 4:06 pm
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Sofa, Lichtenfels, Germany - 3rd December 2011
By: Yosemite
I have my first host! As soon as my passport arrives I will leave my hometown and travel to Stuttgart to Baerle s Daddy!
This is cool, because Baerle is a good friend of mine!
Posted Dec 3, 2011, 3:00 pm
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Lichtenfels, Bavaria, Germany - 10th December 2011
By: Yosemite
Hi, world!
Yesterday we said goodbye to four friends! They will go on their journey around the world. Soon I will do that to! Maybe next week!
Happy weekend to all TVs!
Posted Dec 10, 2011, 10:05 am
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Staffelberg near Lichtenfels, Germany - 11th December 2011
By: Yosemite
Dear world!
Today we had a great day! It was sunny but cold! So we decided to hike to the Staffelberg. We saw the great landscape and learned a lot about the animals and flowers that lives here.
It was very cold at my head, so Yosi gave me her cap. Very comfortable!
Ohhh, how hungry the hike makes! We had a lunch, called "half and half". It is curd cheese and salt junk. I tasted both
We had "stollen" for dessert.
After that we saw a few nice rock, ideal for climbing! Billy goats love to climb, so I do, too!
What a exciting exkursion! I found my own little christmas tree!
In the evening we made a trip to the christmas market. I had a brandy punch and a galettes. Now I need my bed 
Posted Dec 11, 2011, 5:51 pm
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Still at home at Lichtenfels, Germany - 12th December 2011
By: Yosemite
Hello, world!
Early in the morning we said goodbye to Konrad. He is now on his trip across the ocean to the USA. We made him a hearty farewell.
For me the adventure begins at the weekend. First stopp is Stuttgart and seceond stopp is the amazing Finland. I hope to see much snow there! I am very excited!
Yours, Twixx
Posted Dec 12, 2011, 10:45 am
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Kitchen, Lichtenfels, Germany - 13th December 2011
By: Yosemite
Hello, world!
Here I am, the famous candy maker!
My mentor Yosi assisted me in producing chocolates.
At first we had to mix cream, chocolate and nougat. After warming on the stove it has to cool again. Then in could be filled in chocolate forms.
ooooooooooh, it tastes so delicious!!!
Posted Dec 13, 2011, 9:14 am
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In the box, Germany - 14th December 2011
By: Yosemite
I can´t imagine, my trip begins!
I said Goodbye to all my fellows here and now I am very excited to see the world!
The first stop is Stuttgart, Baerle s hometown. Then I will go to the north!
Wow, how exciting!
Let me think about what I will take with me? I pack my box and take with me..... a sauna towel, hope I will find one in my size
...a postcard of my IDcard..... and many Twix
That´s all a TV needs!
What a wonderful world!!!
Posted Dec 14, 2011, 8:28 am
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Postoffice in Lichtenfels, Germany - 14th December 2011
By: Yosemite
Hello, world!
I write you from the postoffice in Lichtenfels. In the last moment Baerle an me choose a bigger box, eventually we gained or it has to do with the presents and sweets we have on board
Now we are waiting for the truck to Stuttgart. I am very excited!
Don´t forget your lovely Twixx
Huggies, my dear Mummy from Twixx
Posted Dec 14, 2011, 5:08 pm
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Stuttgart, Germany - 17th December 2011
By: jo_mlp
Hi mum, hi dad,
yesterday we arrived very late, so i couldn't write to you. All the tv's @ my host are soooo happy that we arrived, so they made a big welcome-party for us After the party all of us tv's were so tired that we just fell straight into bed
Now I must first set my corner and my bed, so i will tell you more tomorrow.
Love you
Posted Dec 17, 2011, 7:03 pm
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Wagenhallen, Stuttgart, Germany - 18th December 2011
By: jo_mlp
i know, it's very late @ sunday, but i must tell you:
this evening we went to a very crazy artist-christmas-market. They sell very crazy selfmade things, that i show you at the pictures
see you
Posted Dec 18, 2011, 11:02 pm
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Stuttgart, Germany - 19th December 2011
By: jo_mlp
hi mom !
today was a very sad day
1. the day began very dark, rainy and snowy
2. and then Phinook left us to take off for a new adventure
but 1 thing is absolutely GREAT
3. Phinook has given me his advents calendar to finish it, so I can have one chocolate a day and think of him while I eat it- today's chocolate was sooooooo yummy
today, mommy and daddy, I miss to cuddle with both of you
but will now snuggle up a bit with my blanket and friends here to stay warm and cosy....
Posted Dec 19, 2011, 7:19 pm
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Stuttgart, Germany - 20th December 2011
By: jo_mlp
Hi mum,
last night it was snowing, so my host had to shovel snow. While he did it, i built a little snowman. But I had nothing for the eyes, nose and mouth, so he was not completely
After that, we drove into the city of Stuttgart for work.
tonight, when we came back home, we made a great dinner together we made self made Cheesburgers they tasted very yummy now, after the rinse dishes I go to look a little TV
bye, twixx
Posted Dec 20, 2011, 10:38 pm
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