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Travelog for: Dixon

Warwick, England - 28th August 2006

By: Worldwide

Dixon is a lion who somehow got stuck in the 1970s and is reluctant to move on.  He is looking forward to a journey that shows him that there is life after Saturday Night Fever...

* Posted Aug 28, 2006, 11:02 pm Last edited Aug 28, 2006, 11:52 pm by Worldwide [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Warwick, England - 28th August 2006

By: Worldwide

Dixon has been posted on to another member for release on the first weekend in September as part of the WorldWide ToyVoyagers Release

* Posted Aug 28, 2006, 11:52 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Norwich Millenium Library, UK - 3rd September 2006

By: Tania & Nicky

I was very pleased to arrive at Norwich Castle and meet all the other voyagers which Tania and Nicky have been collecting to release soon.  It was very nice to get out of that jiffy bag and be on my travels at last.

Nicky took me home in a Hotel Chocolat bag and I could see everything that was going on, it was great (hope she didn't notice that some of the chocolates were missing when she got home though).

I went out to dinner on Friday night to a Japanese restaurant and met seasoned voyager Ivor.  We got on really well and I was a bit sad to say goodbye.  Looking forward to being released into the big wide world tomorrow though; Nicky wants to leave me at Pudding lane as the Great Fire of London started there on 2nd September and I'm quite interested in history (and bakeries - wonder if there is still one there...)

Well, Nicky had it all planned out to leave me in London on 2nd Sept, but due to OHL problems (we think this is overhead lines) ONE trains were't running on Saturday morning and we had to switch to a backup plan.  She decided that I should be released on the site of the great fire of Norwich instead (Norwich Library burned down a few years ago - situated directly opposite Norwich Fire Station!) and they built a nice new shiny Millenium Library in it's place, so I'm going to be released there.

Well I've settled down to read a book on Jungles in the 'express travel reading' section.  Hopefully someone wanting something to take on their travels will pick me up with a book.  Not sure about jungles though, might be a bit scary.

Hope someone finds me soon!

the gang.JPG
ivor and dixon.JPG

* Posted Sep 3, 2006, 8:50 pm Last edited Sep 3, 2006, 8:57 pm by Tania & Nicky [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

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