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Life Missions

(2 out of 5 complete)

Have some darling candy from a vending machine at a railway station and an airport (0 of 2)

Eat a locally made cheese at each country I visit

Drink champagne and cherry colaX (1 of 2 complete)

Listen to the Kinks in Europe, Asia and North and South Americas (0 of 4 complete)

Go dancing on Valentine’s Day and go to an ice hockey match anytime (0 of 2 complete)

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Travelog for: Cherry Lola

Bayfield, Wisconsin, USA - 16th July 2011

By: kcrawfish

Hello everyone!  I'd like to tell you my story.  I was adopted in Wisconsin.  Here's a photo of me from the orphanage/charity shop.  I was so happy to meet Henrik and my new mother.


You can see I was doing one of my favorite activities, sitting on a shelf and people-watching.

* Posted Oct 28, 2011, 7:28 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Madeline Island, Lake Superior, WI, USA - 17th July 2011

By: kcrawfish

Hi everyone,

This is me at my mom's summer cabin.  We enjoyed lots of food -- with extra cheese -- and lots of beach time -- followed by early bed times.

Cherry Lola


* Posted Oct 28, 2011, 7:38 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

The Sea Ranch, California, USA - 7th August 2011

By: kcrawfish

We often go to the coast.  It's not just a treat for our toyvoyager visitors.  It's a treat for all of us.  We especially like to visit The Sea Ranch Chapel.  It's a beautiful and serene place to worship.


* Posted Oct 28, 2011, 7:49 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Sacramento, California, USA - 24th October 2011

By: kcrawfish

Well, I have watched toyvoyagers come and go over the months.  You see, this is a photo of Dottie Mouse going home. 


And you know what ...  now I am ready to travel.  I'll be saying goodbye to Mom, Tuli, Aslan, Peach the Pooch, and the big bears, but I will be saying hello back home or on the road one day.

It's time for me to be going places! 

Keeping my fingers crossed that I'll be on the road soon!

Cherry Lola

* Posted Oct 28, 2011, 8:02 am Last edited Oct 29, 2011, 1:08 am by kcrawfish [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Sacramento, California, USA - 26th October 2011

By: kcrawfish

Good news!  I have been invited to Canada, where my stripes will really stand out in the wintertime!  :) :)  I am so happy!


* Posted Oct 29, 2011, 12:17 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Sacramento, California, USA - 28th October 2011

By: kcrawfish

Hey everyone! 

I was ready to jump in the travelope, but Mom said Whoa, Bessie!  Let’s find the toyvoy checklist in the Forum


So we read the checklist again and realized that I hadn’t been weighed and measured yet.  Oops!  :rolleyes:

I weigh, with my tag, 77 grams.  And I’m 20 centimetres long, including my pointed <3 toes but not including my punk rock mane. 


So now that that is all settled, I am hopping in my travelope, and the next time you see me I’ll be in Canada!!! 


Bye for now,

Lola  :D 

* Posted Oct 29, 2011, 5:44 am Last edited Oct 29, 2011, 5:49 am by kcrawfish [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Calgary, Canada - 15th November 2011

By: smaug

Hi Mum,

I’m in Canada :D! I had to wait a few days in a very small and crammed post box as apparently smaug was out of town, but today someone picked up my envelope and dropped it on a soft surface in the middle of what felt like a crowd :stare:.


When I managed to make my way out, I realised that it was a crowd indeed...of toyvoyagers ;). There are Sofia from Finland, Quentin Ducky from the UK, Jujube from the US like me, Orpheus, one of smaug’s TVs who is home for a short holiday and sammino, a stay-at-home TV who explained to me that he looks after the well being of all guests here in Calgary :).
It seems they have been on some sort of unplanned diet :rolleyes:, as they really almost dived on the sweets that I brought over with me ;).


* Posted Nov 17, 2011, 4:05 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Calgary, Canada - 17th November 2011

By: smaug

Hi Mum,

Guess what? I have just arrived and I am already welcoming a new guest. Today smaug showed up with a TV-suspicious ;) parcel. Of course we all gathered to see who was going to come out of it.


It was Cassiopeia, a nice turtle from Germany :D. She is one of the most experienced TV ever, so we didn’t really give her the chance to rest and we pinned her down all night to hear everything about her travelling ;).


* Posted Nov 19, 2011, 4:18 am Last edited Nov 21, 2011, 4:34 am by smaug [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Calgary, Canada - 18th November 2011

By: smaug

Hi Mum,

It sure is busy with new arrivals here this week :rolleyes:. Once again smaug came back with a parcel holding a new guest inside :).


This time it was Sweetsy, a nice gingerbread man from Germany :D! And he brought over some great gifts for us: a lovely “self-themed” :rolleyes: card and some delicious German Christmas sweets :D...which, of course, fuelled a long night of chatting ;).


* Posted Nov 21, 2011, 4:06 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Elbow Valley, Canada - 20th November 2011

By: smaug

Hi Mum,

Temperatures were in the freaking minus twenties over the week end :stare:, but sammino explained that it was a great chance for us to get acclimatised to the proper Canadian winter weather and he convinced smaug to take us for a short walk in the foothills :rolleyes:. At least the sun was shining :).


The trail was covered in snow, but just a couple of cm.


We stopped at this sign to check where we were: luckily we were not lost :rolleyes:.


Eventually we reached the highest spot of our walk, where we had a great view of the mountains around us :).


At this point we stopped to recover and sammino made appear a cup of boiling tea :) along with a well deserved bar of chocolate :D....the best part of the day ;).


* Posted Nov 22, 2011, 3:32 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Calgary, Canada - 21st November 2011

By: smaug

Hi Mum,

Today we said goodbye to Sofia and Orpheus who are ready to travel to their next hosts :). They are both going to Germany...but using separate envelopes :rolleyes:.


* Posted Nov 24, 2011, 3:39 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Powderface Ridge, Canada - 26th November 2011

By: smaug

Hi Mum,

Today we went for a short hike in the foothills :). As it often happens, we spent the first part of the day between the trees, but soon the view improved :).


This ridge was very exposed to both sun and wind, so all the snow had disappeared :stare:...


...but our way forward looked snowy enough :rolleyes:.


Luckily TVs are lighter than humans ;) and don’t sink so much into the snow, so, since the trail was well marked, we left smaug toiling up his way behind us and marched ahead following sammino :D.


Eventually we reached the summit ridge where the view was great. We could see the prairies and even Calgary far in the east :o...


...and mountains everywhere else :D.


* Posted Nov 29, 2011, 4:29 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Calgary, Canada - 23rd December 2011

By: smaug

Hi Mum,

After a long time being very quiet (smaug was quite busy and, despite our best efforts to get his attention, we felt a bit invisible over the last few weeks :(), today we had the first glimpse of hope of being active again :). sammino left us for the day and came back with two guests....two deeply asleep guests :stare:.


As they woke up they introduced themselves as Landroval :), a native Canadian eagle coming back for the holidays and Sigfrido, sammino’s delegate and representative in France :rolleyes:.


They offered to us some lovely (and very appropriate) sweets that they collected while travelling here :D. But they also told us that they have even more interesting goodies hidden somewhere in their baggage, can’t wait to see that ;).


* Posted Dec 24, 2011, 11:51 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Calgary, Canada - 25th December 2011

By: smaug

Hi Mum,

Merry Christmas :D!

This morning we found a lot of presents on the floor...


... but, since they didn’t seem to be for us :rolleyes:, we focused our attention on some of the sweets that Landroval and Sigfrido brought from France and Italy :).


Later we decided to burn some calories ;) and went for a walk along the river.


That red bridge over there is a new pedestrian passage over the river which was supposed to be open almost 18 months ago :stare:...and that hopefully will be open sometimes next year :rolleyes:.


Back home we expected to have a turkey meal :), but sammino said that he had organize and unconventional Christmas lunch based on his favourite local product...massively thick steaks :D!


After that, to be even more unconventional, we topped the meal with a lovely chocolate cake ;).


Well, eventually we were so full that we fell asleep...dreaming of more food, of course :rolleyes:.

* Posted Dec 26, 2011, 3:43 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Elbow Valley, Canada - 28th December 2011

By: smaug

Hi Mum,

Today we went for a short trip near Calgary in the Elbow Valley. First we walked a bit along the Elbow River :).


Moving on we reached the Elbow Falls and had a look at the falls from the upstream side...which looked a bit scary :stare:.


While the canyon immediately downstream was quite nice :)....but freaking cold, so we just went back hiding in the car :rolleyes:.


* Posted Jan 1, 2012, 4:13 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

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