in the kitchen, Germany - 14th November 2011
By: Wauzi
Posted Nov 14, 2011, 9:56 pm Last edited Nov 14, 2011, 10:00 pm by Wauzi
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in bed, Germany - 17th November 2011
By: Wauzi
Hey maaaaamiiii sorry withou the long time withot contact but my hostmum is ill and sleeps at every freetime but we were at school and we made some photos today and i think we will upload them later :*
i love you see u later
Posted Nov 17, 2011, 4:28 pm
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Erich-Kästner-Gymansium, Germany - 17th November 2011
By: Wauzi
Dear Mumi after the day in bed we can now upload the fotos of the schoolday with my host mum:
I need to say that the people were very nice and i hadd funny lessons
We started with an english lessen were i told who i am and what i´m doing it was great
the third and fourth lessons were math but we couldn´t take fotos because the teacher is verry very strict and i think he hates all students in the world ...
but than we had break and i ate my breakfast yummy
the next lessons were geographie and i sat on the world
and our lat two lessons were history whre we made a "meinungsdarstellunsplakat" hehehe the teacher was verry funny and nice
all the day Hannibal was with me and so i could talk to him and i sat oat the pencilcase
enjoy the fotos
Posted Nov 17, 2011, 10:04 pm
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at home, Germany - 6th December 2011
By: Wauzi
Dear mumii ,
my host-mum knows that she forgot to upload a lot .
so here arepictures from the second advent
Posted Dec 6, 2011, 8:49 pm
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Weilburg, Germany - 4th April 2012
By: Noisy
...just a short note that I have reached Noisy's home!
Posted Apr 4, 2012, 2:57 pm
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Weilburg, Germany - 14th April 2012
By: Noisy
Posted Apr 17, 2012, 9:17 am Last edited May 11, 2012, 7:24 pm by Noisy
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on the road near Wetzlar, Germany - 22nd April 2012
By: Noisy
...just a photo of the cup of today...

Posted May 11, 2012, 5:32 pm
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Weilburg, Germany - 26th April 2012
By: Noisy
Hey Rike,
Noisy has told me that you want to take a TV from her to a holiday in Finland. I am a little bit sad, that I couldn't come with you
I have asked all the plushies here in the house who would like to tavel with you, so look, here are your canditates:
This is Coconut, a little dragon...
...another little dragon, very greeeeeen, he is a little bit obliviously, he really forgot his own name *shakemyhead*
...this could be a good partner for Dicker Kumpel, he is looking like his little brother ...
...this is Fanti, a very curious guy. He belongs to SuSi89, Noisy's daughter.
...and finally Little Miss Sunshine, yellow as me, soooo cute <3
Tomorrow I will check them all for heart and kidney if one is the right travel-guest for you and Dicker Kumpel.
So please check my travelog tomorrow in the evening!
Posted Apr 26, 2012, 9:04 pm
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Weilburg, Germany - 28th April 2012
By: Noisy
Posted May 13, 2012, 7:34 pm Last edited May 13, 2012, 7:51 pm by Noisy
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