Heidelberg - At home, Germany - 24th October 2011
By: nuriayasmin
Hi everyone!!
My name is Winter Bear and I'm a small teddy bear who wants to discover the world, especially cold places. If you'd like to host me, please send a pm to my mentor nuriayasmin. However, as a start I'm taking part in a so-called Round Robin. That means we're a group of 4 ToyVoyagers who will each spend a month with the mentor of one of the others.
My travel itinerary looks like this:
1. Visiting mellialida in Germany
2. Visiting grunolana in Germany
3. Visiting Willy Olson in Germany
I'm very much looking forward to starting my journey.
While I was staying here at home I had the opportunity to learn quite a few languages so I guess I won't have problems with communication. Here you can see me studying Japanese.
Apart from the other TV's and stuffed animals who are here, my best friend is Sammy, my mentor's cat.
Perhaps I can show you some pictures of my home and my hometown before I leave, otherwise I will do it when I come back here.
Winter Bear
Posted Oct 24, 2011, 11:56 am Last edited Feb 4, 2012, 6:42 pm by nuriayasmin
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Heidelberg - At home, Germany - 25th October 2011
By: nuriayasmin
Today we all said good-bye to Priscilla, the dolphin who's going to visit fam-united. And I'm the next one to start a journey :-).
Posted Oct 25, 2011, 10:13 pm
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Travelling ..., Germany - 29th October 2011
By: nuriayasmin
Goodbye!! My envelope is ready and I'm going to slip into it right now . I'm so exited.
Posted Oct 29, 2011, 5:04 pm
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Seebach, Thuringia, Germany - 1st November 2011
By: mellialida
Hi Mum!
Today I arrived in Seebach at my new host mellialida.
She is really nice. After a walk through the flat I met börnie, another tv. We had a great conversation.
I think, I have a new friend!
I am looking forward to the next few weeks.
My new host told me, that she is very happy about the geocaching Travelbug!
Posted Nov 1, 2011, 3:55 pm Last edited Nov 1, 2011, 4:03 pm by mellialida
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Seebach, Thuringia, Germany - 10th November 2011
By: mellialida
Hi Dear at home!!
My host mellialida is a really lovely host! I have seen the hometown, the "Thuringian Wood" and the "University".
But at the moment, my host gets sick! She had a very bad stomach flu. So, the other tv's and I decide to cook her a lovely dinner.
We cut some tomato's and some mozarella (she loves it!).
Chubby berry red a nice bedtime story (he is such a cute ans civilly bear!). We all became very sleepy!
At the weekend, we would like to visit the castle "Wartburg"! I am so excited!
Posted Nov 10, 2011, 5:59 pm
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Eisenach. Thuringia, Germany - 14th November 2011
By: mellialida
Hi there at home!
Oh, today was a foggy, cold day. But I like this weather. My host mellialida and the other tvs decide to visit the Wartburg in Eisenach. This was a special wish from Börnie! But I was also really happy about it.
Here are the facts:
In 1999 UNESCO added Wartburg Castle to the World Heritage List as an "Outstanding Monument of the Feudal Period in Central Europe", citing its "Cultural Values of Universal Significance". The castle's foundation was laid about 1068 by the Thuringian count of Schauenburg. According to tradition, the castle got its name from Ludwig dem Springer: "Warte, Berg -- du sollst mir eine Burg werden!"
But I am also sad, because börnie leave us tomorrow. We decide to have a big party for him!
Posted Nov 14, 2011, 7:22 pm Last edited Nov 14, 2011, 7:22 pm by mellialida
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Seebach, Thuringia, Germany - 15th November 2011
By: mellialida
Hi Folks!
We mad a big suprise-party for börnie. He left us today and so we decide to have a really cool party with sweets and juice!
But...have a look at the picture!
Posted Nov 15, 2011, 4:47 pm Last edited Nov 15, 2011, 4:50 pm by mellialida
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Thal, Thuringia, Germany - 26th November 2011
By: mellialida
Hi Folks!
Today we walked through Thal, this is a village near Seebach, where
my host mellialida live.
I saw some horses. They aren't friendly, but I did my best!
I saw the Thuringian Wood, it was great to see, how the nature
turns from summer into autumn (and I think in a few days into winter!).
Oh, and later we went to the "Geologischer Aufschluß am Großen Ebertsberg". This is a very old stone with "Kristallin, Glimmerschiefer, Gneis and Porphyr".
Glimmerschiefer is about 500 Mio. years old and they call it "Katzensilber".
This is our last tour at mellialida. I am really sad!
Posted Nov 26, 2011, 4:26 pm
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Seebach, Thuringia, Germany - 30th November 2011
By: mellialida
Hi Mommy!
I am on the way to another host!
It is so exciting!
I can't wait to see another host or tv. So, I jump into the
dark envelope aaaand...
Posted Nov 30, 2011, 3:18 pm Last edited Nov 30, 2011, 3:20 pm by mellialida
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Amberg, Germany - 2nd December 2011
By: grunolana
Finally I arrived in Amberg.
My new host have a small, black, lovely dog
Posted Dec 5, 2011, 1:10 pm Last edited Dec 5, 2011, 1:11 pm by grunolana
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Amberg, Germany - 4th December 2011
By: grunolana
Today we baked muffins.
We have coconut dyed blue.
This "Cookie Monster Muffins" have tasted fantastic. (:
I know that there are no doughnut but it's something like doughnuts.
Posted Dec 5, 2011, 1:17 pm
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Amberg, Germany - 5th December 2011
By: grunolana
Today it has finally snowed. :O
look how beautiful my snow angel looks (;
Posted Dec 5, 2011, 1:22 pm Last edited Dec 5, 2011, 2:49 pm by grunolana
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Amberg, Germany - 6th December 2011
By: grunolana
Tonight Nicholas has come and has laid to us very tasty things in the boot. :O
Look! Is this not totally a lot of sweet? :O
Posted Dec 6, 2011, 5:09 pm
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Amberg, Germany - 11th December 2011
By: grunolana
Hello there!
Today the weather outside was too bad, so we decided to stay inside and play some games. We played "monopoly" and "Siedler von Catan". It was so much fun and I found a new fried called Stich. Of course I won . Here's the proof: >click here<
I hope the weather gets better soon, so I can discover amberg.
Greets Winterbear
Posted Dec 11, 2011, 12:15 pm Last edited Dec 11, 2011, 1:33 pm by grunolana
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