Starting, Germany - 8th November 2011
By: zwieback
hi, I am Dame Zwie-Drach.
I was found on a german flea market near Cologne,
not really a proper place for a Lady.
But Mr.Zwieback saved me out of the dark cardboard box and
told me that now a new and exciting adventure is going to start.
Posted Nov 8, 2011, 9:30 am
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Leverkusen, Germany - 9th November 2011
By: zwieback
Now my own button for all my hosts is ready.
Jetzt ist mein eigener Button, den alle meine Hosts erhalten, fertig.
please apply.
Bitte bewerbt euch.
Posted Nov 9, 2011, 9:31 am
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Post, Leverkusen, Germany - 11th November 2011
By: zwieback
I just accompanied Mr.Zwie-Fox and Flori Zwie-Baer to the "Packstation" (upper right in the pic)
They are traverling to their first host.
Since I was so sad they were leaving I now got a first offer myself.
(to be continued...)
Posted Nov 11, 2011, 10:57 pm
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cologne, Germany - 12th November 2011
By: zwieback
today I went to visit all my friends in Cologne.
I had a tasteful meal to celebrate my coming jouney.
I met the big bear lady that was made by zwirback.
Also the little cat gang and the peace-bear
+ the cat family and the huge FrogKing (looks like The Hulk?)
Then we had cut meat with champignons and a salad.
On the end i bid farewell to my idol the graceful balletdancer girl, she is a real Dame.
I would like to dance like her.
Posted Nov 12, 2011, 11:19 pm
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Leverkusen, Germany - 14th November 2011
By: zwieback
Hi, another exciting sunday.
A new family member arrived. Mr.Zwie-Mueller
I showed him around a little and tomorrow he will accompany us to Aachen,Belgium and The Netherlands. We go shopping!!
Posted Nov 14, 2011, 12:31 am Last edited Nov 14, 2011, 12:32 am by zwieback
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Vaals, Netherlands - 15th November 2011
By: zwieback
now we are in Vaals,The Netherlands, only a few meters from the german boarder. Visiting a shopping center to buy coffee and cheese we found that in The Netherlands is xmas already too.
So we had to stop to guard the parking ticket in our car and play with the xmas balls.
more details at Mr.Zwie-Muellers log,
Posted Nov 15, 2011, 12:20 am Last edited Nov 15, 2011, 1:33 am by zwieback
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Bslch Springs, TX, USA - 25th March 2012
By: Kristykirkpatrick
Arrived in Balch Springs, TX USA. Will send pics as soon as possible! Went to the park today and met some ducks!
Posted Mar 25, 2012, 10:53 pm
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