cologne, Germany - 14th November 2011
By: zwieback
Mr.zwieback baught a big bavarian lion toy on the fleamarket and got me as a gift at an other booth to join him.
But Mr.zwieback told me that I'am a famous bear-football national team player and my mission is to look for the rest of my team and to promote bear-football all over the world.
Posted Nov 14, 2011, 12:03 am
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Leverkusen, Germany - 14th November 2011
By: zwieback
Now at my new home in Leverkusen Dame Zwie-Drach showed a big tiger to me and made a trip with a little car.
Tomorrow we go to Belgium and The Netherlands.
I am very excited to experience so much new things starting from now.
Posted Nov 14, 2011, 12:21 am
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maasmechelen, Belgium - 14th November 2011
By: zwieback
today our travel (me. Mr.Zwieback, Dame Zwie-Drach and all the others in the car) through three countries took place.
It started well, but soon there was a big traffic jam that lasts for 30min/6km.
There we met a nice truck which shows "SAHARA EXPRESS" on its side, we really wanted to join him, but Mr.Zwieback said that is not his destination...
In Maasmechelen (Belgium) then, which is a big fashion outlet, was already Xmas.
There was a winter special decoration with christmas trees and reindeers and other artwork statues.
We also met a TV (television) crew that made a reality show.
On our way back to Aachen and the Netherlands we had to fuel up:
One liter of LPG-autogas was only 49.7cents. Thats 33% less than in Germany !
(to be continued in The Netherlands)
Posted Nov 14, 2011, 11:58 pm
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Vaals, Netherlands - 14th November 2011
By: zwieback
now we are in Vaals,The Netherlands, only a few meters from the german boarder. Visiting a shopping center to buy coffee and cheese we found that in The Netherlands is xmas already too.
So we had to stop to guard the parking ticket in our car and play with the xmas balls.
Posted Nov 15, 2011, 12:16 am Last edited Feb 8, 2012, 1:53 am by zwieback
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TV-Hotel Knochenberg, Germany - 21st November 2011
By: zwieback
back again I could test the new sofa for the TV-hotel**** today.
It is very comfortable and so says my friend the Bavarian Lion.
The TV-Hotel Knochenberg is advancing very quick, so look at the Forum to go for more information and make a reservation.
I'd like to host a nice TV from abroad for the coming advent.
Have a nice day.
Posted Nov 21, 2011, 7:36 pm
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outside Santa Claus's Rest, Germany - 21st November 2011
By: zwieback
I just had a strange encounter.
A reindeer sledge shaped light captured me and brought me to Santa Claus .
He read in a big book and asked me some questions about TVs.
I'm not allowed to tell more.
But I managed to bring along three pics.
An arrow points at me in the first one.
I really don't know how I returned home.
Posted Nov 21, 2011, 8:50 pm
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Poll near Home, Germany - 26th November 2011
By: zwieback
Hello again,
today I visited a fleamarket in Poll but it was to late to get some furniture for the TV-Hotel****,
only a few stands were left and already closing.
Back home i tested the Adventskranz which will be illuminated on Sunday the 27th Nov., that is the First Advent.
Thereafter I had a little chat with two friends from a big soft drink company. They are really funny. But in fakt I do like Pepsi.
Posted Nov 27, 2011, 11:21 pm
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Porz near home, Germany - 27th November 2011
By: zwieback
this was another exciting day. First we went to a fleamarket again. Köln-Porz.
This is very big with all kind of stands There were hundreds of little Santa Clauses,
which by the way didn't know the Big One with the reindeer-sledge,
and there was a stand with honey in glasses that look like bears!
again I found no hotel furniture.
But the real event was the rescue of Miss Zwie-Tea from the cage you see on the right.
She is soo cute lavender.... a real sweety!
We took her home and chilled out on the sofa there.
Posted Nov 27, 2011, 11:54 pm Last edited Nov 27, 2011, 11:57 pm by zwieback
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Leverkusen, Germany - 1st December 2011
By: zwieback
Hi fellows,
just a short report of the new arrival of Private and Blue Zwie-Brat.
Things are happening in The TV-Hottel****.
Finally the Advent has started and we have a huge Calender filled with things to build a panoramic winter scene-
Posted Dec 1, 2011, 4:13 pm
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TV-Hotel****, Leverkusen, Germany - 4th December 2011
By: zwieback
today I had a very big surprise for the Bavarian Lion !
Private and Blue Zwie-Brat brought us a little Bavarian Lion that proved to be his son !
look at the picture and you see the likeness they bear to have.
It was touching! Miss Zwie-Tea almost cried at this bear meeting too.
Great job Mr. Private
Posted Dec 5, 2011, 12:25 pm
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TV-Hotel****, Leverkusen, Germany - 23rd January 2012
By: zwieback
today our Guest Börnie and I recieved two parcels.
Look at Börnies Travellog for the details.
Posted Jan 23, 2012, 5:27 pm
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TV-Hotel****, Leverkusen, Germany - 8th February 2012
By: zwieback
today was my last day in Leverkusen.
I am going to Bruchsal in the Kraichgau to fam-united.
To celebrate my trip many TVs gathered to a farewell party.
There were Kikuchan, Cassiopeia, Börnie, the Tweenie Blue Zwie-Brat and the just returned Mr.Zwie-Fox.
Our TV-Hotel**** guests yesterday brought many sweets from their trip through Belgium, the Netherlands and Aachen,
especially pralines from Lindt and Lebkuchen from Lambertz plus a big bag with Haribo Saftbären (juicy jelly baers).
We had so much fun....
I will miss all of that.
Now I am already on my way in the little parcel box.
Bruchsal here I come.
Posted Feb 8, 2012, 11:36 pm Last edited Feb 9, 2012, 12:02 am by zwieback
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Unteroewisheim, Germany - 19th February 2012
By: fam-united
Then we arrived in Unteroewisheim. After having coffee and cake we took a photo with the church. It was built in 1825. Unteroewisheim is a town in the Kraichgau.

Posted Mar 17, 2012, 1:39 pm
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