Garden in Remscheid-Lennep, Germany - 23rd May 2008
By: olgamaus
Posted May 23, 2008, 11:15 pm Last edited Nov 4, 2009, 10:55 am by olgamaus
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still home in , Remscheid, Germany - 28th May 2008
By: olgamaus
I will travel to Italy with Marjolein and the TVs Snowy and Just Married, maybe even more. This trip will start on July, 14th.
Maybe I wait until this special trip will start or maybe I will look for a host for the next weeks.
Katja did some repair work to my dress. The flowers were ironed on the dress and got loose already. We sewed them tight to the fabric, so they will keep in place.
I'm looking foreward to Italy. Maybe I manage to buy sunglasses for me.
Posted May 28, 2008, 5:08 pm
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Stübing, Austria - 9th June 2008
By: strangeMissy
Today I arrived in Austria. When Sigrid came home from school she showed me the house and introduced me to Tiah Tigris from the Netherlands.
Tomorrow she'll take me with her to school (her school uses rooms of a baroque monastery) and probably we'll go to Graz, the next city, on Wednesday.
Posted Jun 9, 2008, 4:38 pm
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Stübing, Austria - 10th June 2008
By: strangeMissy
Today we went for a walk with one of Sigrid's friends- it was great to see a bit of the landscape!
Posted Jun 14, 2008, 12:24 pm
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's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands - 7th July 2008
By: Marjolein
I arrived in 's-Hertogenbosch today! My host Marjolein is already very busy preparing for our trip to Italy, we are both looking forward to it! I met some other ToyVoyagers, I will introduce them to you. There's: Nick, Chompers, Davy, Pingu, TheOutsider, Roots Bear and Claire.
Best Wishes,
Posted Jul 7, 2008, 10:40 pm Last edited Jul 27, 2008, 7:30 pm by Marjolein
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In Marjoleins bag, Den Bosch, The Netherlands - 13th July 2008
By: Marjolein
Dear mum,
It's almost time to leave for Italy! We will leave tomorrow from Den Bosch at 7:30 am with the bus to our first stop in Beek, wich is near Arnhem. From there we will get into the bus, that will get us to Italy! Firstly we will stop in Germany, near Freiburg, for a good night sleep in our first hotel. Tuesday we will continue our journey and in the evening we will arrive in Toscane, Italy! But I will not tell too much already, I will update as much as possible!
I have already learned some Italian:
Yes: sì
No: no
Thank you: Grazie
You're welcome: Per favore
Here you are: Prego
Fantastic: fantastico
I don't speak Italian: non parlo italiano
Do you speak English?: parla inglese?
0: zero
1: uno
2: due
3: tre
4: quattro
5: cinque
6: sei
7: sette
8: otto
9: nove
10: dieci
What time is it?: che ore sono?
Goodday/morning/afternoon: buongiorno
Goodevening: buonanotte
Hi: salve/ciao
Welcome: benvenuto
How are you?: come sta?
Have a nice meal: buon appetito
See you later: arriverderci
Have a nice holiday: buone vacanze
I will speak to you in Italy soon!
Hugs Finja
Posted Jul 13, 2008, 11:05 pm
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Sausheim, France - 14th July 2008
By: Marjolein
Dear mum,
Today was a traveling day. I am in France now, just over the bourder with Germany. Our hotel is very good, the bed nice and soft, and there is a swimming pool! Too bad it is too cold to swim. And because we are soooooo tired, we just went to sleep!
Apart from the nice bed, the view from the window wasn't all that.
We had a nice diner, a good night sleep, and after breakfast it was time to really go to Italy!
Posted Jul 27, 2008, 10:22 am
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Wine farm in Toscane, Italy - 16th July 2008
By: Marjolein
After our visit in Pisa, we had some wonderfull lunch in the mountains of Toscane. We tasted lots of wine and olives made from the people who live in the farm.
Posted Jul 27, 2008, 12:17 pm
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