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Travelog for: Spots Leopard

Orange, New South Wales, Australia - 26th March 2008

By: sararingham

Hello! My name is Spots, and I was rescued from the store a few weeks ago. My mom always told me I'd be turning into a toyvoyager, but now that it's happened I'm finding myself a bit nervous. :-)

I'll be traveling to Western Australia as my first stop off, and I'm quite excited, I'm not going *too* far from home, and I just hope I don't get lost, I'll probably come home often just to have a bit of a rest before continuing on my journey... here's what I look like...


I'm handsome aren't I? I love my spots, but I hope I don't get lost having such good camouflage. :-) I hope to see Africa, and maybe get to see some African animals that I've never seen - even though I'm an African animal!

Well I'll be off tomorrow, and I'll make a post so everyone knows I got safely to Western Australia! I'm so excited!

...and yet, so nervous, wish me luck!

* Posted Mar 26, 2008, 7:01 am Last edited Apr 2, 2008, 11:07 am by sararingham [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Busselton, Australia - 3rd April 2008

By: Kira1997

I have finally arrived  at the Jackson  household  today at 930am

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* Posted Apr 3, 2008, 2:37 am Last edited Jun 11, 2008, 1:10 pm by Kira1997 [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Busselton, Australia - 10th April 2008

By: Kira1997

At the playground in Busselton well know to the children

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* Posted Jun 11, 2008, 1:13 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Ipswich, Queensland, Australia - 1st May 2008

By: crizle

Well Mum, here I am way up in Queensland and having alot of fun.
When I arrived I was greeted by a Toy traveller called Kiwi and a new little dog Crizle bought from Guide Dogs. His name is Coal. Maybe he will get to travel one day too.

I went outside to visit the budgies and they all flew away except one.
Then early next morning I went to little Audrey's 8th birthday at the park.
All the kids ran away from me too, so they could play.
Is everyone scared of me?

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* Posted Jun 1, 2008, 2:47 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Brisbane, Australia - 18th May 2008

By: crizle

Today was a special day and I was invited along to celebrate 1 year since the Aussie Postcrossers all met for the first time.
I had the most fun chatting to them all and to two little platypus' who are also on their way around the world.

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* Posted Jun 1, 2008, 2:52 am Last edited Jun 1, 2008, 2:53 am by crizle [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Brisbane, Australia - 19th May 2008

By: crizle

Today I went to Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary with my host and some of her postcrossing friend.
The koala's were really very cute and I had a long chat with some of them.

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* Posted Jun 1, 2008, 2:59 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Brisbane, Australia - 7th June 2008

By: crizle

Hello everyone.
We had a great weekend away in Brisbane and I visited some nice places.
I had lunch at the Casino, sat on some modern 'thing' made of old saucepan steamers,looked at the river, sat on a Police car, and we even stayed the night in a very old Hotel called The Rothbury. I loved the Art Deco lifts but they were a bit noisy and shuddery. Maybe I should have taken the stairs.


* Posted Jun 14, 2008, 6:45 am Last edited Jun 14, 2008, 6:48 am by crizle [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Brisbane, Australia - 8th June 2008

By: crizle

We woke up early and went to the Riverside markets by ferry. That was fun!
Then we caught another ferry back to Southbank.
I LOVE riding the ferries.
I wanted to go for a swim, but the Life Guards said that it was way too cold for a leopard to swim today , so they said I could sit on their surfboard instead.
I sat on the sand too and then I found a pretty pebble pool, but it was too cold for that too.

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* Posted Jun 14, 2008, 7:01 am Last edited Sep 19, 2008, 5:42 am by crizle [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Ipswich, Queensland, Australia - 15th June 2008

By: crizle

It is my last day here so we did something special.
We visited the animals at the Queens Park Reserve.
I saw a snake with spots like mine, a wombat, emu,and kangaroo's.
I had a wonderful day out, and when I came home all my friends were waiting to say farewell because I am flying out to Thailand in the morning.
I am a jetsetting leopard!


* Posted Jun 24, 2008, 10:40 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Chiang Mai, Thailand - 24th June 2008

By: mamarine


I have arrived Chiang Mai, a province in the northen Thailand in this evening. It is so excited for me!
Tomorrow, if it won't rain, my host will take me to her university. I will photo and send my picture to you.
P.S. Now, it is rainy season in Thailand. It is greeny everywhere. :-)


* Posted Jun 23, 2008, 5:17 pm Last edited Jun 25, 2008, 4:57 am by mamarine [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Home @ Chiang Mai, Thailand - 28th June 2008

By: mamarine

Tomorrow, Princess Sarah and I will go to Siridhorn Observatory. I am so excited. It is my first time! :)


* Posted Jul 9, 2008, 7:06 am Last edited Jul 9, 2008, 10:26 am by mamarine [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Siridhorn Observatory, Chiang Mai, Thailand - 29th June 2008

By: mamarine

I arrived Siridhorn Observatory at 9.00 a.m. My host and Pricess Sarah came with me too.
It my first time to watching stars at day with telescope!
It was very funny! ;)


* Posted Jul 9, 2008, 10:44 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Doi Pui National Park, Thailand - 30th June 2008

By: mamarine

I walked to Doi Pui National Park at 06.00 a.m. It is about  16 Kilometres from down to top. And we spent 4 hours to the destination. :)
I am very tired but happily!

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* Posted Jul 9, 2008, 9:17 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Home@Chiang Mai, Thailand - 4th July 2008

By: mamarine

Tomorrow is the importamt day. It is traditional day of Chiang Mai Univesity. Students will walke from starting point to the top of Suthep Mountain. Because they believe if they walk to the top, they will graduate from the university in time, not lately than 4th year of their studies.
I, Princess Sarah and my host are very excited. We can't wait for tomorrow! ;)


* Posted Jul 23, 2008, 12:14 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Doi Suthep, Thailand - 5th July 2008

By: mamarine

Today I go to Doi Suthep. In the Greattttttttt Tradition.
The students in the university run to the mountain, Doi Suthep.

The believe in Bhuddha. When they come to Doi Suthep, they carried the 'Sa-Liang' with Bhuddha Image too.
Sa-Ling is looking like palanquin. It used for something which is high-respect.


* Posted Aug 29, 2008, 6:03 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

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