Remscheid, at home, Germany - 27th January 2011
By: olgamaus
Hi there,
today I met my new Mummy. I came here with Fimbo_Fimble all the way from England. I was born in 14th century, travelling so far still makes a little bit nervous.
At our new home Katja and Squirt gave us a warm welcome.
In the afternoon we took a short walk to see our new home town.
I am living now in a district with lots of old houses.
This seems to be a nice place.
Posted Jan 30, 2011, 2:24 pm
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Essen, Germany - 15th March 2011
By: BlackCat
Today we visited castle Hugenpoet. It is a hotel and a restaurant. Fabi wasn’t able to go inside, as there was a big private party, but we had a look at it from the outside. It was really cool. But have a look at the photos.
It was a nice day and I hope we will visit a lot more nice places in the future.
Posted Mar 30, 2011, 12:23 am
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Essen, Germany - 20th March 2011
By: BlackCat
Hello again,
Today there was good weather outside and Fabi was feeling good, so we decided to go out to the Gruga park. We saw a little playhouse which is closed at the moment, due to problems with the roof.
After that, we saw a house which was built for the parents of children, who have to stay at the hospital near the Gruga park. It is a Hundertwasser house. The parents are able to sleep there, when their children are in the university hospital of Essen. That is really nice, isn’t it?
Posted Mar 30, 2011, 12:43 am
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Checkpoint Charlie, Berlin, Germany - 24th March 2011
By: BlackCat
The next days will be separated in different updates. I mean, even if we visited 2 places on one day, we will make it to 2 updates, as it were two different places in this town. Both have an own history and being in one entry would mean that it would be so long. Fabi said we will separate it and we hope it is okay for you.
Today our holidays in Berlin started. It was a short flight from Düsseldorf to Berlin and that is the reason why there are no photos of it. When we arrived in Berlin, we went to the hotel and right after that we started with sight seeing.
Our first stop was Checkpoint Charlie. It is called like this, as they counted the Checkpoints with the alphabet. There was a Checkpoint Alpha, Checkpoint Beta and Checkpoint Charlie was the third Checkpoint. It is the most famous Checkpoint in Berlin.
Here a quote from wikipedia:
Quote: | Checkpoint Charlie (or "Checkpoint C") was the name given by the Western Allies to the best-known Berlin Wall crossing point between East Berlin and West Berlin during the Cold War. |
For more infos, visit the wikipedia
And now I will show you my photos of Checkpoint Charlie. Hope you like them.
Posted Mar 30, 2011, 1:08 am
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Berlin, Germany - 24th March 2011
By: BlackCat
before we visited the next stop of our tour, we saw this traffic light which I want to show you!
Posted Mar 30, 2011, 1:09 am
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Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany - 24th March 2011
By: BlackCat
after visiting the Checkpoint Charlie, we went to the Brandenburg Gate. It was already getting dark, so this was our last stop for today.
The Brandenburg Gate was a city gate long time ago. It is the only remaining gate of a series through which Berlin was once entered.
I think it looks really great. What do you think?
Posted Mar 30, 2011, 1:10 am
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Unter den Linden, Berlin, Germany - 25th March 2011
By: BlackCat
when we left Madame Tussauds we had a walk on the street in front of it. The street is called Unter den Linden. It is a boulevard and really nice. In the middle of the street is a centre strip with trees, little shops, places to sit and such. It is really cute. But we didn’t make photos of that. We walked a while until we arrived at interesting places.
First we found a statue of Frederick the Great.
Wikipedia tells us about Frederick:
Quote: | Frederick William (German: Friedrich Wilhelm) (16 February 1620 – 29 April 1688) was the Elector of Brandenburg and the Duke of Prussia ("Brandenburg-Prussia") from 1640 until his death. He was of the House of Hohenzollern and is popularly known as the Great Elector (Der Große Kurfürst) because of his military and political skill. |
Then we saw the historical Museum of Berlin.
It is a great building, isn’t it? They started to build this house in 1695. So it is really old. It is the oldest building on “Unter den Linden”. When it was ready in 1730 it was used from the Prussian military for their armoury. In 1831 they opened it for the public and showed a collection of weapons in it. In 1952 until 1990 it was the Museum for German history. And in 1990 it became the Historical Museum of Berlin until now.
So much to know about these buildings, right?
The next photo is from the Berlin cathedral. The Berlin Cathedral had never been a cathedral in the actual sense of that term since it has never been the seat of a bishop.
Right from it you can see the “Alex”. The television tower of Berlin.
That was a long walk and a long day was over then. We were all tired when we came back to the hotel. So we slept really fast.
Posted Mar 30, 2011, 1:22 pm
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Wittenbergplatz, Berlin, Germany - 26th March 2011
By: BlackCat
Today we visited a lot places, so a lot updates will follow. First we went to the KaDeWe (Kaufhaus des Westens), but we didn’t make photos there, as they don’t like it a lot. Right next to the KaDeWe we found a fountain. It is called “Lebensalter” (age). It was made by 4 artists.
As you can see on the picture, the weather was really beautiful on that day. So we decided to make a big photo tour through Berlin. Visit all the places that Fabi still wanted to see in Berlin. But to be true: We didn’t even visit half of the list, as it was way too much for one day. But Fabi decided she will come back.
That was the first update for this day, more will follow.
Posted Mar 30, 2011, 1:40 pm
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Museum of Technology, Berlin, Germany - 26th March 2011
By: BlackCat
Our next stop on that day was at the Museum of Technology. But not to visit it. We were there to see the Raisin Bomber which is hanging at the entrance. Fabi wanted to see it and we wanted to make photos with it.
A Raisin Bomber was an airplane that brought food and other stuff to the western part of Berlin during the Berlin Blockade 1949. The name of the airplane came from the fact, that the pilots throw out candy, raisins and other sweet things of the airplane on little parachutes so that the children who were waiting for the airplane had some fun. In America these airplanes got the name Candy Bombers.
And here are the pictures:
On the second picture you can see a part of the Landwehrkanal.
Posted Mar 31, 2011, 4:35 pm
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Topography of Terror, Berlin, Germany - 26th March 2011
By: BlackCat
After seeing the Raisin Bomber in front of the Museum, we walked (yeah, really…it was a long walk, but we did it) to the Topography of Terror Documentation Center. There are still parts of the Berlin wall. Between 1933 and 1945, the central institutions of Nazi persecution and terror were located on the grounds of the present-day “Topography of Terror”. Since 1987 the Topography of Terror has informed the public about this historic site. The new Documentation Center with parts of the Berlin wall and the redesigned historic grounds are now opened since May 2010. So it was really new. It is the longest standing part of the Berlin wall in Berlin itself.
Right next to it, we found old cars (called Trabis). We made a photo with one of it. It says “Volkspolizei” which was the police in the DDR (Deutsch Demokratische Republik – German Democratic Republic). So you see how small the cars for the police was there. Funny, or?
Posted Mar 31, 2011, 4:36 pm
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