York, England - 22nd December 2007
By: Isobel&Neil
FC is another Father Christmas clone. When he realised he was getting on a bit, he thought to himself that he would add a bit to the pension fund by growing a huge white beard and being a Santa looky-likey. It's quite lucrative in the winter months, apparently.
FC would like to spend the rest of the year travelling. Ideally he would head for the sun, but anywhere's good for him, as long as he keeps on moving from plave to place - Blackpool, Benidorm, Bolton or the Bahamas - just take him with you and update his Travelog, and he'll be happy.
Posted Dec 21, 2007, 8:55 pm Last edited Dec 21, 2007, 9:09 pm by Isobel&Neil
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Flimwell, England - 24th December 2007
By: Yasmin P
FC was found on the city wall, York, near York Minster.
On the 23rd Dec he travelled to East Sussex where he took up residence on top of our Christmas Tree.
The attached picture of FC was taken on Christmas Eve 2007
Posted Dec 24, 2007, 1:00 pm
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Lisburn, Northern Ireland - 20th February 2008
By: Smarty
FC was passed on to me when I was away with work attending a training course in Northern Ireland.
I brought him back home to the UK on the 27/02/08 to Rochdale Greater Manchester.
He has been enjoying a long rest with some other stuffed friends, and will be going on a journey to Alicante in Sapin Thursday 24/04/08.
Posted Apr 23, 2008, 11:38 pm
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