Bloomington, Minnesota, USA - 21st March 2012
By: lazyfairy
Hello and nice to meet you!
My name is Hunny. I just LOVE being a bunny!
I am looking forward to traveling the world and meeting new friends. Before I go, my people promised to take me on an adventure here at home. I'm excited!
If you are interesting is hosting me, just send my people a pm.
See ya soon!
Posted Mar 21, 2012, 6:39 am
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Bloomington, Minnesota, USA - 21st March 2012
By: lazyfairy
Did a little modeling for the camera today. I got to show off my new name tag!
Found a host for my first trip! I will be leaving for Germany at the beginning of next week!
Posted Mar 24, 2012, 2:38 am Last edited Mar 24, 2012, 2:39 am by lazyfairy
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Bloomington, Minnesota, USA - 26th March 2012
By: lazyfairy
Germany here I come! And I plan on driving there in style!
Wait, guess I can't drive to Germany. I'd probably get lost anyway. So Mom stuffed me in an envelope after lots of hugs, and I am on my way!
Posted Mar 26, 2012, 10:04 pm
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Heidelberg, Germany - 30th April 2012
By: nuriayasmin
Dear Mum
Goodness, that was a long journey. However, now I'm here in Heidelberg. I was greeted by a friendly orange teddy bear. Her name is Coco Presley and when she heard that I'm American she immediately asked if I've ever been to Memphis, Tennessee. Well, I told her that I come from New York which is quite far away from Tennessee and Coco told me she asked because she's a big Elvis fan and would love to visit Memphis once. I also met a funny purple tv called Woozy. There are even more tv's here so I'm sure I'll have a great time.
Love you,
Posted Apr 30, 2012, 10:07 pm
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Heidelberg, Germany - 9th May 2012
By: nuriayasmin
Dear Mum
Today we said good-bye to three TV's.
HolgiHH is travelling to the USA.
Králi will stay in Germany and travel further north.
Sheela is travelling to the United Kingdom.
Posted May 9, 2012, 10:53 pm
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Haderslev, Denmark - 1st June 2012
By: nuriayasmin
Dear Mum
It's already our last day in Denmark. I said good-bye to the cat of our apartment's owner who always came to visit us and had another look from the terrace. Then I started to pack my things. Tomorrow morning we're taking the train back to Germany.
Posted Jun 1, 2012, 3:59 pm
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Heidelberg, Germany - 2nd July 2012
By: nuriayasmin
Hi Mum
How are you? I'm doing fine and just realised that I haven't introduced nuriayasmin's cat Sammy to you yet. He's quite big but very friendly.
And now I'm busy to knit some socks.
Posted Jul 2, 2012, 12:06 pm
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Heidelberg, Germany - 11th July 2012
By: nuriayasmin
It's time for me to move on. I'm going to Finland. Yiippiiee!!!
Love, Hunny
Posted Jul 11, 2012, 8:32 am
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Jyväskylä, Finland - 16th July 2012
By: mmm105
Hello mommy!
I'm in Finland now!!! I arrived here today, and finally I got out of my envelope.
There were so many other toys to say welcome to me.
Mommy, I feel so welcome here!
When all have introduced themselves we had a welcome party. We ate all candies, what was in my envelope. They were so yummy!
Everything is fine here, so don't be worry, mom. I already became friends with everyone, and I'm pretty sure I will have great time here.
Posted Jul 16, 2012, 8:45 pm
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