Vilnius, Lithuania - 6th April 2012
By: coraline
Hello! My name is Virgo, I'm a little TV and now I'm staying with my mum for a while. I've heard that there is a biiiig world with a lot of wonderful countries and I can't wait to visit them! My mum says that there are even more continents and my dream is to visit each of them (and eat honey of course)
I really hope that many TV's will come here, in Lithuania, where I could show them my home and have a great time!
Posted Apr 6, 2012, 7:58 am Last edited Apr 6, 2012, 8:18 am by coraline
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Vilnius, Lithuania - 18th April 2012
By: coraline
Today I had an amazing day sewing some things for me and my soon-to-come guests.
Ding dong! Someone has just arrived! A little toy voyager showed his nose, when we opened the letter, and... tadaam! It was a guest from Germany, her name is Dottie Mouse and she's going to stay here for a while. Hooray! I gave this little mouse a big hug and showed her our house.
Then we had a great evening talking about our countries and other things. Dottie Mouse is such a great voyager! She has visited many many places and have a lot of things to tell. But after her journey she felt a bit sleepy, so we made our beds and said "good night" to each other. Good night to you too! Virgo
Posted Apr 18, 2012, 8:40 pm Last edited Apr 21, 2012, 10:36 pm by coraline
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Betweeen Lithuania and Germany, ? - 24th April 2012
By: coraline
Hey there!
So now I'm in a small box, going to my new host in Germany to see many wonderful places there. I'm missing Lithuania already and also my great friends there (Kit-Kat, Dottie Mouse), but I hope that they will see The Cathedral and Vilnius Old Town soon. And I hope to have fun in other country, maybe meet other TV's
Soon you'll hear more from me! Hugs,
Posted Apr 24, 2012, 6:45 pm
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Remscheid, at home, Germany - 28th April 2012
By: olgamaus
Hi Mummy,
my host is celebrating her birthday today. How old she is? I don't know ... she looks older than 35, so I'd better not ask
But this means, she is not virgo, but taurus.
Posted May 3, 2012, 7:49 pm
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Wuppertal, Germany - 1st May 2012
By: olgamaus
Hi Mummy,
today we went to Wuppertal, one of the neighbour cities. First we took a walk along the "Sambatrasse", a former, now closed railway track, rebuilt to a lane for pedestrians and cyclists. It is following the original track through the forest, meeting some interesting points. It is called "Samba"-Trasse because the trains were swaying on the winding track - like you were dancing Samba
Here is an historic train, it was used until the 1950's.
I did not find my home town on those signs.
Next stop was an open air pool which is heated by waste heat from the nearby incinerator. Can you see it shimmering through the trees? You can go swimming here the whole year. Katja told me that it was only covered when there were extremely low temperatures outside.
This is the incinerator.
We walked along allotment gardens, many gardens are decorated with memorabilia from the former railway track.
We found those giant wood stacks in the forest.
The lane is running next to the A 46 motorway for a while.
Than the most interesting part followed: The Sambatrasse is crossing the zoo. Can you see the lawn in the background? It's the tiger enclosure!
Unfortunately we did not see any tiger.
We reached the end of the Sambatrasse than.
We walked towards the city centre of Wuppertal than. We walked through the zoo quarter, a villa quarter with lots of interesting houses. Katja showed us a house which is painted all over with the loveliest animals.
Wuppertal is an old industrial city. Due to the river Wupper which is flowing through the city there were dye works and weaving mills since the middle ages. You can also find typical worker's housing areas.
One of the global leaders of pharmaceutical industry is situated in Wuppertal, Bayer AG.
Here you can see the main attraction of Wuppertal - the "Schwebebahn" (suspended monorail). It was established in 1901. The tracks are 8 m above the streets and 12 m above the Wupper River.
Here you can see one of 20 stations along the route.
A train was leaving the station ...
... and meeting another train from the opposite direction!
Here is another station, also a modern one.
We had a pizza in this restaurant. My host's daughter is working there as a cook.
Afterwards we went home, relaxing the rest of the day.
Posted May 3, 2012, 8:42 pm
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Remscheid, at home, Germany - 5th May 2012
By: olgamaus
Hi Mummy,
today we bought food for the pets on the farmers market. My host is keeping three ferrets, they eat lots of meat, mostly poultry.
We bought stomachs, a neck and hearts from turkey and chicken wings and necks.
Everything had to be hackled and packed into servings, than it was packed into the freezer.
Katja told me that the ferrets liked their food raw - yuck! But they are predators, so it ok for them.
Posted May 11, 2012, 9:47 pm
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