Jyväskylä, Finland - 12th February 2013
By: Reissari
This is me...
...at home
My name is MooseS and this is how I look from in front... and from behind I am a moose, alces alces. My story is written in a book called "Big animal book".
Some days ago we celebrated my mom's new job with flowers and cake. I got my part as well
Posted Feb 12, 2013, 8:13 pm Last edited Apr 2, 2013, 4:00 pm by Reissari
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Jyväskylä, Finland - 12th February 2013
By: Reissari
This is me...
... in the snow
I like snow, so I went out with some of my friends
Posted Feb 12, 2013, 8:17 pm
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Laukaa, Finland - 17th February 2013
By: Reissari
Taidekeskus Järvilinna, Art center
Today we visited an art center in Laukaa, 20 km from home. We saw wonderful ice sculptures and glass art and listened to a piano concert while drinking our coffee with cake.
Beautiful and delicious afternoon!
Posted Feb 26, 2013, 6:38 pm
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Jyväskylä, Finland - 20th February 2013
By: Reissari
Cycling on a sunny winter day
My mom loves cycling. So she took me and her other traveling toys for a ride on a sunny winter day.
We wrote our names on the snow and took photos near the bridge of Kuokkala. And I met a snow moose
Posted Feb 26, 2013, 7:26 pm
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Jyväskylä, Finland - 8th March 2013
By: Reissari
Bon Voyage!
Today my mom took me to the post office and said "Travel safely!"
After that I jumped into an envelope and now I just wait to get to my first host...
Posted Mar 10, 2013, 1:47 pm
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Sanur Beach-Bali, Indonesia - 22nd March 2013
By: Linda Fdph
Dear Mom
Hurray, today iam arrived in Bali-Indonesia. The weather is very hot. Really tropical island. Iam fine here, my hugs for u, Mom. My first host Linda, also send her hugs to Bisma, that stay with u now
My welcome party held in Sanur Beach, one of famous beach in capital city of Bali, Denpasar. Here I took a picture with Linda's TV : Bima-Sena and Antareja, also with another TVs that stay in Bali ( Capote, Krupchen, Biba, Kioko, Hemmings, Mad Bird, Betzi, Tica, Anton, Bjoern, CH Heidi, JamesCraig and RSG Leo)
Now iam ready for my journey in the tropical Island, Bali. Will updates my next journey asap
Posted Mar 22, 2013, 1:09 pm
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Kertagosa-Klungkung-Bali, Indonesia - 2nd April 2013
By: Linda Fdph
Dear Mom
My first journey in Bali is visit Klungkung, Bali's smallest district located between Gianyar and Karangasem and the famous place there, Kertha Gosa. Klungkung itself is a bustling town. On reaching the town centre. Klungklung was the base of the ancient Javanese Hindu Kingdom in Bali, from where the Balinese royalty of today draws its bloodline. It is the oldest kingdom in Bali, with a most exalted Kings.
Kertha Gosa is an old building of jurisdiction and legislation and is one of the main areas in Bali that has been important throughout history in the development of modern Bali. Located within the district of Klungkung in the north of the island and is an excellent and grand old area with amazing history. The words Kertha Gosa mean peaceful announcement which has been the prime focus of the Kertha Gosa throughout history. The inside and outside of the Kertha Gosa and all around it there is some amazing art in the form of paintings and carvings of wood and stone. This is an area unlike the temples of Bali and the feel is very different. Here at the Kertha Gosa the focus is on power and the importance of the legal system as it was here that trials and penalization was carried out. When inside the Kertha Gosa it is easy to feel how it must have been in the old days when the trials and deep discussions on the politics of the area where carried out. The Kertha Gosa is not only of great cultural value but many of the artifacts and artwork that is inside the building has been deemed extremely valuable although obviously it will remain inside.
And I also take a picture with modern Indonesian girls. They still using their traditional clothes, called kebaya for attending party or another ceremonial meeting.
Posted Apr 2, 2013, 2:50 pm
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Garuda Wisnu Kencana - Bali, Indonesia - 15th April 2013
By: Linda Fdph
Hello Mum
Yesterday , iam visited Mandala Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK), a 240 hectares private cultural park on the Bukit Peninsula at the southern end of the island of Bali in Indonesia, 15 minutes from Ngurah Rai International Airport. Bukit is a limestone plateau with Uluwatu to the west and Nusa Dua to the east.
It is devoted to the Hindu god Vishnu, and his mount, Garuda, the mythical bird who is his companion.
Garuda Wisnu Kencana is a massive, unfinished statue in Bali that currently exists in pieces. Conceptualized by the Balinese artist Nyoman Nuarta
When it's completed, it will be the largest statue in the world.
Dominating the park is Wisnu, a bust of a Hindu deity constructed from giants slabs of copper and brass. Representing the divine force responsible for the protection of the universe, the 22 meter Wisnu figure is a modern rendering of an ancient cultural tradition. The companion piece, Garuda, represent the giant bird which transports Wisnu, a symbol of both freedom and selfless devotion
I went with RSG Leo, Tica, Krupchen, Capote, Cappucino, and Linda's TV , Basukarna
Its a really hot day, the sun hit our skin and made it become more dark. Before we leave the venue, we enjoyed a favorite drink here, a whole young coconut ice
With love
Posted Apr 15, 2013, 8:33 am
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Sanglah-Bali, Indonesia - 5th May 2013
By: Linda Fdph
Dear Mummy
Here iam, with some of Balinese traditional food and fruits
Its a simple and cheap, but the taste is real delicious
Posted May 5, 2013, 3:17 pm
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Werdhi Budaya - Bali, Indonesia - 15th May 2013
By: Linda Fdph
Dear Mum
iam being located at The Werdhi Budaya Art Centre, located at Nusa Indah Street is the heart Denpasar City of Bali Island. The Werdhi Budaya Art Centre was started in 1973 and finished in 1976. The Werdhi Budaya Art Centre is one of the largest and most complete in series of cultural centres built throughout the archipelago by the Indonesian Government over the last decade.
Designed by Bali's foremost architect, Ida Bagus Tugur, the vast complex is apart from its very real cultural function, a showplace for Balinese Arts and Palace Architecture at its most opulent.
Posted May 15, 2013, 6:27 am
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Werdhi Budaya - Bali (part-2), Indonesia - 15th May 2013
By: Linda Fdph
Hello Mum
Here is my another picture at Werdhi Budaya , Denpasar , Bali
Posted May 25, 2013, 1:29 am
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Sanur Beach-Bali, Indonesia - 4th June 2013
By: Linda Fdph
Dear Mum
Today, we visited, Linda most favorite beach in Bali, Sanur Beach. The tropical atmosphere sweep entire of Sanur Beach that makes it as an ideal place for relaxation. It is also blessed by the breathtaking view of sunrise that one is the fascination for tourist to visit and stay in this place. Almost every Sunday morning or afternoon Linda going here to enjoy the stunning atmosphere.
We also, enjoyed Jukung. Jukung or canoe is a small wooden Indonesian boat. It is a traditional fishing boat, but newer uses include "Jukung Dives", using the boat as a vehicle for small groups of SCUBA divers.Essentially of Balinese origin, the double outrigger jukung is but one of many types of Pacific/Asian outrigger canoes that use the crab claw sail traditional throughout Polynesia. Whilst this sail presents some difficulties in tacking into the wind, actually requiring to jibe around, a jukung is superb in its reaching ability and jibe-safe running. They are usually highly decorated and bear a marlin-like prow.
Posted Jun 4, 2013, 9:19 am
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Hostmom kitchen-Bali, Indonesia - 14th June 2013
By: Linda Fdph
Hello Mum
Balinese cuisine uses many herbs and spices. In almost every dish we use them. So it’s very important to know what we need to make our cooking succeed.
Here is spices and herbs that HostMom and I have today in the kitchen : Cloves ( Cengkeh), Kaffir Lime Leaves(Daun Jeruk Purut), Ginger(Jahe) , Cumin(Jintan), Cinnamon(Kayu manis), Candlenuts (Kemiri), Aromatic Ginger (kencur), Coriander(Ketumbar), Turmeric(Kunyit), Galangal (Langkuas), White and black Pepper(Merica putih dan hitam), Nutmeg(Pala), Lemon grass ( Serai ), Chilies ( cabai ) , Cardamon (Kapulaga ) , Onions ( Bawang Merah ) , Sesame seed ( Wijen ) , and also we have Glutinous Rice ( Beras Ketan )
Posted Jun 14, 2013, 9:42 am
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BajraSandhi-Bali, Indonesia - 7th July 2013
By: Linda Fdph
We are at Bajra Sandhi Monument.
This Monument is recognized by the name of Bajra Sandhi because it's form is looking like Bajra or Genta or bell used by all Hindu Priest in reading off Weda holy sentence (mantra) at religious ceremony.
The Building Monument of Bajra Sandhi
The existence of physical building is strongly relating to the meaning of Hinduism philosophy, namely Yoni colossus. The monument is likely colossus device meanwhile the building base as yoni. From other side, the Yoni colossus is also describing the story of twiddling Mandhara Giri at Ksirarnawa which is taken away from passage of Adi Parwa (Hindu's Book).
This building Monument is consisted of:
Jar of Amertha symbol by Kumba (a kind of pot) what is seen on the top monument.
The Dragon Basuki tail exists near by Swamba and its head at entrance gate
The body of Bedawang Akupa realized at its base of monument and the head at entrance gate
Mount of Mandara Giri realized by the high of monument boosting
Pool encircle the monument is supposing as Ksirarnawa (milk ocean).
Posted Jul 7, 2013, 2:28 am Last edited Jul 7, 2013, 2:37 am by Linda Fdph
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Sanglah-Bali, Indonesia - 13th August 2013
By: Linda Fdph
This is my last update from Bali-Indonesia, before my next journey .
Posted Aug 13, 2013, 9:05 am
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