Dortmund, Germany - 21st April 2012
By: La_Kate_Boheme
Hello world!!
My name is Lexie and I'm new here. My host already had another TV but it's lost I hope I won't get lost, too!!
But well, let me introduce myself a little bit:
As I already told you: My name is Lexie. I belong the Barbapapa family and my birthname is Barbalala, but I just want to be called Lexie. It's easy to identify me, I'm green and I always wear a bandeau made of flowers
I love everything related to music, such as singing, watching musicals, listening to music, dancing (ballet) and stuff like that. I want to listen to some typical music of the countries that I'm gonna visit. I'm curious if there are many differences between the tastes of music around the world.
I'm from Dortmund, Germany but I have another residence in Bochum, which is next to Dortmund. The local football team "BVB Borussia Dortmund" became the German Champion today, even though there are still some matches left!! Awesome news!! Last year, the team was the German Champion as well.
A friend of me is also a fan of the team and we celebrated together:
My host is hosting some TV's at the moment (Bussi,Brownbeard and Marawarpina. They told me much about ToyVoyaging and traveling around the world and now I can't wait to start my own adventures!!
Well, I really can't wait to make my own experiences and I'm so looking forward to the different countries and cultures which are waiting for me out there!!
I'll tell you more about my life here in Dortmund and Bochum in the next days.
Lots of Love,
Lexie xxx
Posted Apr 21, 2012, 10:16 pm
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Bochum, Germany - 23rd April 2012
By: La_Kate_Boheme
Hey guys!!
Today was a beautiful day!! The sun was shining and the birds were singing. Well, there were some clouds from time to time but it wasn't that bad.
My host, the other TV's and me decided to spend the day in Bochum, in a park with big ponds, called "Harpener Teiche" (Harpener ponds) to enjoy the weather. Harpen is a district of Bochum and the ponds are in an area between the districts Harpen and Werne.
My host told me that the mine drainage water of a nearby mine flows into the these ponds.
The Ruhr Area is popular for its former mining and the mines which are out of service fill up with mine drainage water. This water has to be pumped out because otherwise it would mix up with the groundwater and would make it useless. It's complicated to explain, anyway this process has to be conducted to all eternity.
Are you curious how the area looks like? Haha well, I won't keep you in suspense much longer
This is our whole TV group at the moment:
Here you can see Brownbeard and me. He is a pirate and I love his pirate accent!! Well, I like him in general..
This place is sooo romantic!! It's so nice to sit here and look at the creek and the paddock in the background
Another group photo:
This is one of the inflows of the mine drainage water. I think it looks nice, don't you think?
Ok, that's it for today. I hope you had a great beginning of the week!!
Lots of Love,
Lexie x
Posted Apr 23, 2012, 9:26 pm
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Dortmund, Germany - 26th April 2012
By: La_Kate_Boheme
Hello everyone,
today I visited my mum's university, it's called TU Dortmund.
This university exists since 1968 and has 2 campuses. The northern campus is bigger than the southern campus, but the southern one is more familiar and a little more modern.
At the northern campus are the natural sciences, the humane discipline, sports and everything related to music. At the southern campus is the whole constructing stuff, like architecture, spatial planning and civil engineering.
I just visited the smaller campus with the construction stuff, because mummy studies spatial planning there.
Here you can see the building for spatial planning (on the right), the building for civil engineering (in the middle) and the one for the architects (on the left, kinda hard to see):
Well, the campuses are connected with an overhead-track, called "H-Bahn" (short form of the german word "Hängebahn"which means "overhead-track"). Here you can see at least the tracks, I couldn't catch a carriage
On the way back home I passed a beautiful field
Yay, that was my day so far.
Oh, Mum told me today that I'll leave very soon and start my journey to Australia. I'm already so excited, I can't wait to meet my host there and spend some great time there. But I'm a bit sad though because I'm sure I'm gonna miss my Mum and my best friend Tucker. Anyways, let's see how this adventure will be.
Well okay, that's it for today. Hope you had a nice week!
Posted Apr 26, 2012, 8:07 pm
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Bochum, Germany - 28th April 2012
By: La_Kate_Boheme
Hello world,
Today is my last day at home, I finally start my first adventure!! I really can't wait to spend some time in different places all over the world. I hope everything will go well.
I enjoyed my last day here in Bochum and went to the city center of Bochum. There was a festival called "Maiabend Fest" (May evening festival).
It is an old traditional festival which is several hundreds of years old. The background of this festival is that back then - a few hundred years ago - young people cut down a tree in a district in Bochum called "Harpen" and carried it to the city center. Since this time, this procedure is beeing held every year.
There is a parade every year where the Maischützen (there's no english word for it) walk from Harpen to the city center, drinking lots of alcohol and making music.
In the city center itself is a big festival with many beer stalls, food stands, a medieval market and a stage with live music. It's quite nice.
Here you can see me in front of some guys of the parade. In the background you can see the entrance of a fashion house called "Baltz". It exists since about 125 years.
There were many policemen and police cars at the festival to keep an eye on everything. Here you can see me and the other TV's on one of the police cars. A policeman turned a LED display on with the word "STOP", especially for us! It's mirror-inverted so that the car drivers can read it when they look in their rearview mirror when the police is behind them.
Well... Later that day it was time to say goodbye to eveyone. I think I will miss Brownbeard, Marawarpina and Bussi. And of course Tucker.
My best friend Tucker starts his first adventure today as well and it was a quite emotional farewell. I gave him a last hug and wished him luck and fun for his life as a ToyVoyager.
I'm gonna miss my Mum and Tucker very much but I'm looking forward to everything that's waiting for me in this big world.
The next update will be made from Australia, yay Can't wait to spend some time there
Lots of Love,
Lexie xx
Posted Apr 29, 2012, 8:59 pm
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Gisborne, Australia - 8th May 2012
By: fleursmum
Hey Mum,
I am Australia...can you believe it...I didn't get lost in the mail! Phew!! It is time to get the dinner organised here, so no photos today but maybe in a couple of days!!
Talk to you soon
Love and hugs
Posted May 8, 2012, 8:18 am
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St Leonards, Australia - 13th May 2012
By: fleursmum
Hi Mum,
Thank goodness we took photos yesterday - it has been raining on and off since early this morning!
not so good for photos Mum
heading back to Gisborne this afternoon.
Love and hugs
Posted May 13, 2012, 9:14 am
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