from Bruchsal to Unteröwisheim, Germany - 17th April 2011
By: fam-united
In the afternoon we and some members of my host's family club from their church went on a walk from Bruchsal to Unteröwisheim. We had dinner in a Besenwirtschaft called Kannenbesen. A Besenwirtschaft is a tavern selling homegrown wine. They only open the tavern for a part of the year. We all enjoyed the walk there, although it took about 2 hours to walk there - ok, we had been a bit slowly, because we talked too much.
We also walked through nice loess hollow-ways.

Posted Apr 25, 2011, 10:20 am
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Bruchsal, Germany - 18th April 2011
By: fam-united
Today I helped my host to correct some tests of her third graders. They had to answer questions to the theme weather.

Posted Apr 26, 2011, 9:50 am
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Bruchsal, Germany - 29th April 2011
By: fam-united
Today is the day of the big wedding in London. All tvs decided to sit in front of the tv and watch tv for hours. We even found a British flag. You see, that it was 9.30am, when we finally sat down.
We saw so many people on the road, who tried to see the lucky couple.
We saw many people in interesting uniforms.
This couple was interesting too. The boy-tvs took a look at David Beckham and the girl-tvs on his wife with her funny hat.
Oh, who is coming here? We're excited.
It's William and his brother Harry. They really look good - that's what the girl-tvs say
The queen and her husband and prince Charles and his wife are coming too.
Oh, exciting, exciting. Here's the bride. Who sees her dress first?
How cute! These little girls and boys and the bride's sister on the way to the church.
The bride arrived at the church finally. We want to see the dress!
Oh, how beautiful!
William and Harry
The church is really big and the way very long. They even put trees in the church.
It is 12pm plus some minutes and finally Williama and Kate are together in front of the priest.
Here they say their marriage promise.
He gives her the ring. We learnt, that in Great Britain it isn't unusual, that only the bride wears a ring as sign of her marriage.
They sind "Jerusalem".
Then they played a fanfare especially composed for the wedding.
Here they all sing "God safe the queen".
Then they all walk out of the church. Take a look at the train.
What a joy, when they walk out of the church door.
The weather is fine, that's why the climb in an open carriage.
That's the queen and her husband in a closed carriage. It was scary, when they climbed in it.
Finally William and Kate arrive at the palace,
while others are still on the way.
It was fascinating to see how disciplined those thousands of people walking behind the police until they finally arrived at the palace too.
Finally the royal family shows up on the balcony.
We are waiting for the kiss and then there were two kissed, but we missed the second.
At last the royal air force flew over the Buckingham palace.

Posted May 1, 2011, 3:25 pm
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Wolfach-Kirnbach-Grafenloch, Germany - 30th April 2011
By: fam-united
It is a special day today: the 10th birthday of my host's nephew. Usually they live in Karlsdorf, but they are on holiday on a farm in Grafenloch, which belongs to Wolfach-Kirnbach. He and his family invited us to come to visit them at this lovely place. They even organized beautiful weather, so we had been able to sit outside in the sun. We went on a one hour walk in the forest and I loved to see the mountains, woods and interesting houses, the Black Forest house.
We took this photo next to the house. What a nice view!
These cows belong to the farm.
Here's the Black Forest House. The typical Black Forest farmhouse - also referred to as a Black Forest house – has been built in this form for hundreds of years. You will find it mainly in the central and southern Black Forest. Here you can read more about those houses.
The left and middle house you can see belong to the farm were we were today.
All buildings except the one on the top belong to the farm. Maybe you see, that there are some clouds - a little thunder came, but it avoided the house so we were able to sit outside and drink coffee and eat cakes.
Before we drove home, we played a while at the water. But then some more clouds came and we had to hurry, because this time the thunderstorm reached our place too. We were lucky to sit in the car, before it started.

Posted May 1, 2011, 5:22 pm
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Heidelsheim, Germany - 30th April 2011
By: fam-united
Before we drove home we drove to Heidelsheim to bring my host's son and his girlfriend home to her family. She lives in Heidelsheim, one of the suburbs of Bruchsal.
There is a medieval tower, the Katzenturm, next to their house. You can read more about Heidelsheim here.

Posted May 2, 2011, 1:43 pm
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Remagen, Germany - 7th May 2011
By: fam-united
Hi Mum,
today we drove to Bad Neuenahr to celebrate a 60th birthday. For us it was more interesting, that we celebrated at an ostrich farm. I've seen so many ostrichs there - big, old, small, young.
We didn't walk through the farm, but drove with a little sort of train. The engine didn't work well at first, so we had to climb out of the waggons and go a few steps, but then everything was fine again. It took us about 2 1/2 hours for a way you normally need 1 1/2 hour. We were really tired, when we climbed into our car to drive home again - another 2 1/2 hours drive. Nevertheless it was a great day.
Bye, Jack
We zoomed, so you can see the ostrichs better.
Face to face - okay, you don't see me, but we looked in each others eyes.

Posted May 13, 2011, 6:30 pm
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Bruchsal, Germany - 13th May 2011
By: fam-united
Hi Mum,
there's such a beautiful weather today, that we toyvoyagers asked our host to take us with her and her daughter, while her daughter delivered a magazine called Konradsblatt.
At first we walked into the palace garden and I had a first look at the palace from far. I hope to come a bit closer next time.
Here you see one of the chestnut alleys.
From the same place you have a good view to this street with old houses.
Can you understand, that I want to get close? It looks really beautiful.
In the palace garden you find some statues. Four of them show the four seasons (winter, spring, summer, autumn) and four of them show the four elements (water, fire, earth and wind). Here you see the element water.
There is a nice pond in the palace garden, where you find ducks.
These houses also belong to the palace area. Behind this house you see the tower of the church St. Damian and Hugo.
The left part of this photo shows the church building. You see, that you have to walk a bit to come to the church tower.
We also stopped at this parking site. You can see me twice
From this place I had been able to see the middle part of the jailhouse. It's a really interesting building. Maybe I can take another photo of it later.
This was the last stop, before we drove home again.

Posted May 14, 2011, 6:01 pm
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