on our way to Hannover, Germany - 25th June 2011
By: fam-united
We are back in the car again - for another more than 7 hours trip back to the motel in Hannover. Of course it is raining again.
Posted Aug 3, 2011, 4:48 pm
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Ötigheim, Germany - 15th July 2011
By: fam-united
This early evening we were in Ötigheim to watch "Peter Pan". I really enjoyed it. See a few photos of it here:
Posted Aug 6, 2011, 5:01 pm
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Bruchsal, Germany - 4th August 2011
By: fam-united
Today we took a photo of nearly all tvs, which stay here right now. There are several tvs of our host: Aaron, Robinson, Schnuffi, Scotty, Cassiopeia and Simba Leon. Then there are the regular guests: me, Bubo, Henry, Sanji, Tuffy, NiliHH, BarryO, Chuckle, WillyW. All the others are tvs, which stayed with hosts, who had some problems and no chance to send them on to their owners or the next host. It is the biggest amount of toyvoyagers I ever had around me
Posted Aug 19, 2011, 7:40 pm
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Bad Nauheim, Germany - 10th August 2011
By: fam-united
Finally we found time to go on another short trip. We drove to Bad Nauheim in the morning. Maybe you don't know anything about Bad Nauheim and what makes it interesting for us. It is a really nice city with about 30000 inhabitants and is located about 35 km north from Frankfurt a.M.
Elvis Presley lived in Bad Nauheim during his time with the United States Army in Friedberg.
In the old town center of Bad Nauheim is the barn at the gate to the castle: The gate, the 'Burgpforte', was used by Elvis Presley as the motif of a record cover for his 1959 #1 hitrecord 'A Big Hunk o' Love'. Here is a photo of him at the gate. The photo is part of the exhibition ( the link is in German, sorry) about Elvis' time in Bad Nauheim and a bit about Elvis in general.
Elvis sang "Muss i denn zum Städele hinaus". Here is a sheet with the text and he wrote in phonetic spelling under the lines, how he had to sing it.
Elvis liked karate. Here is one of his suits.
Of course there was much more to see and read, but Petra said, that she can't take a photo of each photo or item with me. After seeing the exhibition we went to an Irish Pub for lunch.
Terrassenstraße - a street - was near to the Irish Pub, so we decided to walk there and go to see Hotel Grunewald. Elvis lived there after he arrived in Germany in October 1958. One week after him also his father, grandmother and two friends and bodyguards came too. At first they stayed at another hotel, but then they rent a whole floor. Room 10 - Elvis room - still looks the same, but it is closed for public.
Right in front of the hotel is the Elvis-Presley-Place and the stele.
Near to the "Burgpforte" - where nobody took a single photo with us toyvoyagers, but only the humans - ok, near to the "Burgpforte" we saw these lovely half timbered houses.
In the garden we had a rest near a "Gradierbau" - refine building (not sure, how to call it in English). I like this beach chair.
While walking in the garden, we saw this church.
On our way back to the car we walked through Goethestraße. In the house Goethestraße 14 Elvis lived for one year during his stay in Germany.
It was a strange feeling to walk in the footsteps of Elvis and really interesting for everyone - even those, who don't like Elvis too much. Of course this last part of the sentence doesn't count for my female host.
Posted Aug 26, 2011, 8:55 am
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