Den Bosch, The Netherlands - 16th August 2008
By: Marjolein
Pfieuw we're finally home! It took a lot of time, because 38 km before Den Bosch, the car broke down!! We had to wait for hours and hours for someone to get us. But we did ride into a really big truck!!

Posted Aug 19, 2008, 2:55 pm
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Groningen, The Netherlands - 24th August 2008
By: Marjolein
Hi mum,
It was the open day of the Footballclub FC Groningen today! Marjolein goes here since FC Groningen playes football in the stadium the Euroborg, which is since 13 January 2006. It a really cool green stadium. We also went to the dressingroom of the players, it had a really big green bathtub!
Posted Aug 26, 2008, 9:29 am
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Groningen, The Netherlands - 24th August 2008
By: Marjolein
After the day at FC Groningen we went to the annual festival in Groningen called Noorderzon. At Noorderzon it's always fun with theater, music and lots of food! I saw a really cool car, with speakers so we could hear really cool sixties music coming from the car! Chompers thought the car was so cool, he jump right onto it to have his photo taken!
Posted Aug 26, 2008, 9:33 am
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Eindhoven, The Netherlands - 28th August 2008
By: Marjolein
Hi mummy!
We went to visit Marjolein's boyfriend at his internship at the footballclub PSV Eindhoven! We weren't allowed to make photo's inside the stadium but we made some cool shots in front of the stadium. The stadium is called the Philips Stadium.
The guy on the photo is Coen Dillen. He was a famous footballplayer for PSV. He played at the club in the fourties, fifties and sixties. He stands in front of the stadium.
On the background is the entry-gate to the stadium. You can see the sign of PSV and the words: 'Eendracht maakt macht'. This means something like: United we stand stronger.
Hugs Davy
Posted Aug 28, 2008, 3:30 pm
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Tilburg, The Netherlands - 31st August 2008
By: Marjolein
Today we visited the Bookmarket of Tilburg! This is the biggest bookmarket of the South of The Netherlands.
Marjolein bought these books:
It's: Angels & Demons from Dan Brown, Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre and a book called 'Bedwelmd' from Lulu Wang.
Posted Sep 2, 2008, 10:28 pm
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Jesenice, Gorenjska, Slovenia - 19th September 2008
By: davidbe
Hello !
Today we arrive to sunny Europe. David will post all the pictures at the end of our visit in Slovenia.
Davy and Toby
Posted Sep 19, 2008, 1:34 pm Last edited Dec 3, 2008, 8:36 pm by davidbe
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