Stroud, NSW, Australia - 29th November 2007
By: Prowl_Worshipper
G'day! I hope you will help me on my journey. I am happy to go anywhere with you. When you have finished showing me around, please pass me on to a friend, or release me so that I can continue my travels! Thank you!
Posted Nov 29, 2007, 2:20 pm
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Stroud, NSW, Australia - 29th November 2007
By: Prowl_Worshipper
I'm excited and nervous! Nik tells me I will be released into the wild tomorrow. I have been waiting for this, but now I'm not sure I want to go! What if no one wants to help me travel? I hope that won't happen.
Maybe someone will appreciate my unique looks. Nik says I look like a tiger crossed with a zebra!
I hope that if you were kind enough to pick me up that you will update my Travel log so that Nik knows I'm safe.
Posted Nov 29, 2007, 2:26 pm
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Maitland Heritage Mall, Australia - 30th November 2007
By: Prowl_Worshipper
I travelled to Maitland Mall with Flora, Strider and Alpina on a very miserable wet day. Nik had second thoughts about releasing me because of the weather, but it cleared up enough for her to change her mind.
Posted Dec 12, 2007, 3:06 am
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Maitland Heritage Mall, Australia - 30th November 2007
By: Prowl_Worshipper
Nik chose this cosy corner for me to wait for someone to find me. The other TVs wished me luck, and Nik tearfully kissed my nose before she put me down - I hadn't realized she had become so attached to me! I sneaked into some stuff she had chosen at the local op-shop some months ago because I was bored sitting on a dusty shelf - I never knew I would be sent on this big adventure! I'm going to miss her too, but maybe one day I will find my way back to her, or maybe even another TV host!
Good bye, good bye!
Posted Dec 12, 2007, 3:11 am
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Maitland Heritage Mall, Australia - 30th November 2007
By: Prowl_Worshipper
Nik here. This was my first release, and it was harder to do than I thought! Hard to put down one of my own TVs and walk away from him, that is. The actual release was pretty simple. The mall wasn't crowded, although I think I entertained an elderly man who watched me strangely as I took photos of my visiting Voyagers, and then tried to discreetly release Ziggy. After I walked away we did some Xmas shopping, and when we came out I couldn't resist checking. Ziggy was gone! (If he had still been there, I'm sure I would have rescued him myself and taken him back home again)
I hope that someone updates his log eventually, or at the very least he has gone to a good home.
Good luck and happy travels little one!
Posted Dec 12, 2007, 3:17 am
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