Home, Russia - 17th July 2012
By: Dashka
Tver - Toby's house

Posted Jul 17, 2012, 9:35 pm Last edited Jul 17, 2012, 9:48 pm by Dashka
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Niederneukirchen, Austria - 3rd August 2012
By: melli
Posted Aug 19, 2012, 6:59 pm Last edited Aug 19, 2012, 7:01 pm by melli
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St.Florian, Austria - 21st August 2012
By: melli
Posted Aug 21, 2012, 10:59 am Last edited Aug 21, 2012, 11:01 am by melli
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Bloomington, Minnesota, USA - 2nd October 2012
By: lazyfairy
I made it to the USA safe and sound. It was a long time traveling, so I am happy to be out of that envelope!
I see lots of new friends here! When I looked up, I also saw an old friend. Mr.Lumpi is here too! I gave him a big hug.
I am hoping to have lots of fun adventures here.
Best Wishes,
Posted Oct 6, 2012, 12:58 am
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Bloomington, Minnesota, USA - 11th October 2012
By: lazyfairy
Hi! I'm so excited! Today I get to leave here and go back home. I can't wait!
While I was here, I didn't get to see much. I was a little sad about that. Before I leave America, I want to get out and see more.
I started off today with a large cup of coffee. It's going to be a busy day!
First stop was to the baseball park. Every fall, the Canadian Geese stop by here on their way south. I couldn't believe how many geese I saw!
Here I am on top of a building in St. Paul. St. Paul is a city just a little north of Bloomington. Up here, it is cold, and the wind is blowing, but very awesome views. The cars and people look so small!
When I came back inside to warm up, I met a little dog. His name is Oliver, and he's very friendly.
Got to keep going! There's so much more to see.
Here I met another dog. This is Snoopy. He's not a real dog, he's a statue. From the looks of it, he's been fishing!
After seeing Snoopy, I wanted to visit the water too. This is the Mississippi River. So many of the trees have lost their leaves. Winter must be coming soon.
Today seemed like a good day to take a walk in the forest. I think these trees are beautiful. Can't spend too much time, still have one more important place to visit.
Finally, here I am at the music store. Wonder why?
I picked out something to bring home with me.
I can't wait to come home and see you! It's been a long day, so I think I'll take a long nap on the way home.
Lots of Love,
Posted Oct 11, 2012, 5:56 pm
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