Karlsruhe, Germany - 12th September 2012
By: zauberaeffle
Hello mum,
Today I arrived in Karlsruhe at the home of my new host mum and Bär Schär. I was glad when I was finally able to crawl out of the envelope. Bär Schär and host-mum were very happy about the postcards and sweets. I want to tell you thank you.
Bär Schär told me that he is during my time in Karlsruhe responsible for me. He showed me the apartment and the balcony. I like it here very much.
There are just two more TV host at minimum. Viola and Mister Spike. They were all very nice to me.
I'm curious what I will experience each day here.
Posted Sep 13, 2012, 6:37 pm
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Karlsruhe, Germany - 13th September 2012
By: zauberaeffle
Hello mum,
Today was a nice surprise in the mail from host-mum. Sausi Karl, who is currently in Finland at mmm105, wrote a postcard. In addition to host-mum and Bär Schär are very happy.
Earlier today, we went for a walk (Bär Schär, Mister Spike, Viola, host-mum and I) in the forest. It was pretty chilly, not as warm as the last few days.
Then we walked to the Saumseen. These are seven lakes located in the deep shores of Karlsruhe. The Saumseen is a nature reserve. It was really nice to sit on the bench and watching the ducks in the water.
Greetings Pettersson
Posted Sep 13, 2012, 7:25 pm
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Karlsruhe, Germany - 16th September 2012
By: zauberaeffle
Hello mum,
Today, the mood was not good.
We therefore had no desire to do anything.
Viola and Mister Spike will leave us tomorrow. Therefore, we have decorated their envelopes together.
Then I said goodbye to everyone.
Sale Bär Schär and I are there. I think that's a shame, because we have become in the short time are a really good team.
Let's see what awaits me still the days here.
Posted Sep 16, 2012, 10:29 pm
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Karlsruhe, Germany - 19th September 2012
By: zauberaeffle
Hello mum,
you will not believe it ... But I've learned, along with host-mum crochet.
Look, these are my first attempts.
For starters, quite well, right?
Host mum has now holidays, when the weather is good, we will make in the next few days trips.
I'm looking forward.
Love, Pettersson
Posted Sep 19, 2012, 3:37 pm
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Karlsruhe, Germany - 21st September 2012
By: zauberaeffle
Hello mum,
Today a new TV arrived. Djali the little flock.
After the envelope was opened, I was so curious and I immediately put my nose into it. There sat Djali and was glad to have arrived.
Bär Schär and I have shown Djali the balcony and the apartment. Host mum had planted new flowers. It looks really nice.
The solar-powered meerkat lights in the night . It looks really nice.
I am pleased that a new TV has arrived.
If all goes well, we still go to France for shopping.
Posted Sep 21, 2012, 2:35 pm
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Lauterbourg / Spöck, France / Germany - 21st September 2012
By: zauberaeffle
Hello mum,
yesterday it still worked out that we went to France for shopping. We drove across the border at Lauterbourg. Lauterbourg is a sweet little town. Since we were already quite late, but we are not folded. In the supermarket, we then bought some.
On the way back stopped host-mum on a lake. Because next door were huge fields of corn. After a short walk we drove back home.
Late in the evening we are spontaneously driven to a restaurant that hosted a bingo night.
We won! Drink voucher worth 15 euros! That's great, right?
Then I immediately ordered a Paulaner Weissbier (crystal wheat). I do not think I've ever drunk such thing. It tasted great. I have fulfilled my life-mission of a tenth .
Then we drove home.
I was soooo tired.
Greetings Pettersson
Posted Sep 22, 2012, 10:21 am
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Karlsruhe, Germany - 22nd September 2012
By: zauberaeffle
Hello mum,
Today Peppi Pooh got home. Djali, Bär Schär an I were all happy when he came climbing out of its cover.
We were greeted warmly and then we had Peppi Pooh only once told what he has been through.
Love Pettersson
Posted Sep 25, 2012, 11:48 am
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Kandel, Germany - 23rd September 2012
By: zauberaeffle
Hello mum,
Today host mum, Djali and I were in Kandel. There "celebration of spring whites" was. Federweißer is wine, which is made from grapes, and in the process is to get alcohol.
If you drink too much of it, you get diarrhea.
To avoid this, I would rather drink a beer. A Karlsberg Ur Pils.
After that I ate a specialty Palatinate. Saumagen ... this is a kind of fried sausage with potatoes. It tasted great.
For dessert there was steamed dumplings with vanilla sauce and wine sauce. Mmm.
Greetings Pettersson
Posted Sep 25, 2012, 12:08 pm
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at home, Operation Day, Germany - 25th September 2012
By: zauberaeffle
Hello mum,
Bär Schär, Peppi Pooh and Djali saw that I am injured on the left hind leg.
Bär Schär, Peppi Pooh and Djali wanted to help me.
But how?
Host mum suggested that I sew a pin on the hole.
We found all that I a good idea.
First, we have culled a pin for me. We liked the little button with a ladybug on top.
Then we began to sew the pin. I was very afraid.
While I was distracted by Djali and Peppi Pooh, Bär Schär took a needle and thread and began to sew.
I felt nothing at all, maybe it was the excitement.
After a moment, it was already done.
We really liked the result. Mum, I hope you like it too!
Now I have a kind of tattoo.
Posted Sep 25, 2012, 12:52 pm Last edited Sep 25, 2012, 12:55 pm by zauberaeffle
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Karlsruhe, Germany - 26th September 2012
By: zauberaeffle
Hi mum,
Today Peppi Pooh is gone from us. He now travels to Miami.
Djali, Bär Schär and I helped to decorate the envelope. After that we said goodbye to him and he crawled into his envelope.
We wish him a good journey.
Posted Sep 26, 2012, 8:03 pm
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Wolfach, Black Forest, Germany - 26th September 2012
By: zauberaeffle
Hello mum,
after we had Peppi Pooh delivered at the post office, we (Djali an host mum) went to the Black Forest.
We went to Wolfach for minerals stockpile Clara mine. There we spent the whole day knocking with stones and look for minerals. That was great, tomorrow I will surely have muscle soreness.
I also found a great stone for you.
Luckily the weather has been through. It was only when we went to eat it, it has started to rain. I have eaten sausage with fries and drink a cold beer. I think I drank beer Ketterer not previously
Then we went into a basket business. This is typical of the Black Forest region. Similarly, the Black Forest costume. There, I've seen great things.
It has given me today really liked.
Love Pettersson
Posted Sep 26, 2012, 8:24 pm
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Speyer, Germany - 27th September 2012
By: zauberaeffle
Hello mum,
The last few days were beautiful.
On 27.09.2012 host mum went with her mother to Speyer. Djali and I were with!
There currently is an Egypt exhibition.
Before we went to the cathedral in Speyer. Is great! It's really nice inside.
Afterwards we went to the Egypt exhibition. It was really interesting. When you think about how old the artifacts. They get really good yet.
I have also seen two mummies. That made me a little scared.
MOOOOOM, I wanna go to Egypt and see this wonderful things in reality!
On 28.09.2012 host mum, her mother and father and her boyfriend went to the Black Forest. There we were, too! We did so much more experienced.
The images will be host-mum set in the coming days.
It was sooooo beautiful!
Love Pettersson
Posted Sep 29, 2012, 8:02 pm
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