Griffith, Australia - 5th February 2007
By: sonny
This was when I travelled through Australia. I worked in a winery. That was so cool 
Posted Nov 5, 2012, 8:19 pm Last edited Nov 13, 2012, 7:52 pm by sonny
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Griffith, Australia - 17th February 2007
By: sonny
I wanna show u some of my friends at the winery. they were all very nice and explained everything to me, cause.... i never worked in a winery before.
But nothing exploded so i think i did a good job. ;-)
Posted Nov 13, 2012, 7:58 pm
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Griffith, Austrlia - 27th February 2007
By: sonny
This is my auntie feeding me with yummy tim tam coockies...... mhmmhmmhmmhmh
Posted Nov 14, 2012, 4:48 pm Last edited Nov 14, 2012, 4:48 pm by sonny
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Black Forest , Germany - 12th December 2012
By: sonny
I´m so excited. Tomorrow i´ll go to Finland
I hope this box is big enpugh for me ...
Posted Dec 12, 2012, 4:46 pm
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Black Forest, Germany - 12th December 2012
By: sonny
Ok, it fits.... just
And my mummy puts so much stuff next to me....
But there´s also a present for christmas for me in here .. hihihiiii
But i think i need a diet... maybe after christmas 
Posted Dec 12, 2012, 4:51 pm Last edited Dec 12, 2012, 4:53 pm by sonny
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Lahti, Finland - 23rd December 2012
By: sirkku-susanna
Hi Mom!
I arrived here at Lahti Southern Finland couple of days ago. I have been getting to know my host and her home. When I got out of my box, something “terrible” happened – cat attack. In picture you can see my host’s two cats. But don’t worry Mom, they are really friendly, and just wanted to get to know me.
Mom it’s really wintery here; lots of snow and -15 degrees Celsius. I’m so glad I have my mittens. I first saw how much snow there is at my host’s balcony. Then we went for a little walk to small forest nearby. Isn’t it beautiful Mom? Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, and we are going to eat well (no diet then) and relax. And I can’t wait to get to open my present.
Merry Christmas to you Mom!
PS: My host says thank you for chocolates and Happy Holidays
Posted Dec 23, 2012, 6:11 pm
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Lahti, Finland - 24th December 2012
By: sirkku-susanna
Hi Mom!
Happy this Year 2013! We haven’t been able to update for soooooooooo long. My host has been having serious problems with her old laptop. Well now it’s fixed again, and I sure hope it works from now on. So here are some photos of our Christmas here. Some photos seem to have vanished from computer’s memory.
At Christmas Eve we went to cemetery to light candles at graves of loved ones. Here are few photos from our way there. And you can see how I travel in my host bag. Then we went to sauna. Boy it was hot there and steamy.
And then we ate and ate and ate. (I think, I need a bigger box to travel Mom). I ate Christmas ham, rutabaga casserole, potato casserole, rosolli salad, Christmas sausages, mushroom salad, salmon and and and. Mom I needed two plates just to get taste everything. And then it was time for presents. Thank you for chocolate Mom and this funny little fellow, who can be my companion at my travels.
Now when computer is working again I will update more often. I promise.
Love you Mom!
Posted Jan 20, 2013, 3:47 pm
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Lahti, Finland - 5th February 2013
By: sirkku-susanna
Hi Mom!
We have been very busy here. My host is preparing her thesis and I have been helping her. I have search information from internet, articles and lots of facts. It’s hard work, I must say. Whoops now she caught me.......just a few games of Angry Birds now and then.
Well she promise, that next weekend we go out to get some fresh air. Hope the weather is good.
Love you Mom!
Posted Feb 5, 2013, 5:48 pm
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At the lake, Finland - 16th February 2013
By: sirkku-susanna
Hi Mommy!
Last Sunday we finally had a change to go out. We went for a walk to little lake near my host’s home. And we walk on ice, Mom it’s funny feeling to know there is lots and lots of water under you.
Weather wasn’t very good, but it was perfect to build snowman. Or snow Pikachu, he isn’t really as cute as I am, but we did our best.
Then we went to public beach. Yes there was a beach, and yes it was bit chilly…but this was not quite, what I meant with my life mission “chilling out at the beach” It’s snowing almost every day, but still my host says, that spring is coming.
Love you Mom!
Posted Feb 16, 2013, 4:18 pm
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Lahti, Finland - 20th March 2013
By: sirkku-susanna
Hi Mommy!
It’s been really quiet and little bit sad here for several weeks. My host has had serious problems with her upper back, causing headache, nausea and dizziness. She explained me something about inflammation of muscles. She has been sick leave for over three weeks and had strong medication. Also doctor prohibit computer using.
I have done my best to take care of her. I have put ice gel on her back. Roll bottle of icy water on towel and put it under her back and give her pills. Well actually, she didn’t let me touch medications. She said on instructions of those medications say; “don’t give on hands of children or toyvoyagers” Really Mom, can it be so?
Well things are getting better little by little and you will be hear from me soon.
Yours Pika
Posted Apr 10, 2013, 7:16 pm
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Lahti, Finland - 31st March 2013
By: sirkku-susanna
Hello there!
I got a new friend. His name is Columbus and he is also from Germany. He arrived before Eastern and we celebrated, of course with chocolate eggs and birdies. It’s very nice to have company. And I hope soon we can go out too.
Pika XXX
Posted Apr 10, 2013, 7:21 pm
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Lahti, on the lake, Finland - 7th April 2013
By: sirkku-susanna
Finally went out, to the little lake again. This time we walked through whole lake, from other shore to shore where we went before. Weather was great, as you can see and I really needed my sun classes.
Also our host showed us something exciting, big hole on ice. Susanna told us, that they keep that hole open from ice whole winter. And Mom people go and swim there… that ice cold water. They say it’s very good for your health. Susanna started to wonder... Luckily she hasn’t her swimsuit with her. I really enjoy our walk. Spring is coming and this was the last changes to walk on ice.
Love you Mom!
Posted Apr 10, 2013, 7:30 pm
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Lahti City Library, Finland - 5th May 2013
By: sirkku-susanna
Hi Mom!
Our host is slowly recovering from her upper back pains, with help of physiotherapist. She is also back at work now, and last Sunday she took me and Columbus with her. She works at library’s children and youth department at the moment.
First we met the most important “person” of department. This big Mole, and boy he is…big. We told him about ToyVoyagers, he said voyaging sounds interesting, but he loves to be at library, mainly because he gets so many hugs and kisses from children every day. Maybe it’s better, he would need his own seat at airplane and it would be quite expensive.
There were many other things to see also. We tried these cute mushroom stools, and these huge seats made of inner wheels of tractor. Of course there are lots of books in colorful selves. They also have these little nests, where children can read.
They have special youth space too. We hanged around in big leather couch and listened some music.
Last we met this funny fellow. She is character of famous children’s author Mauri Kunnas, and from his version of Finnish national epic Kalevala. Mom I can’t understand, why our host sometimes is tired of work, because she works at such a fun place. Spring is here and soon we will go out and see all beautiful new green colors. Until then!
Love Pika
Posted May 12, 2013, 5:25 pm Last edited May 12, 2013, 5:44 pm by sirkku-susanna
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Lahti, by the lake (again), Finland - 1st June 2013
By: sirkku-susanna
Hi Mom!
Summer is here, summer is here. Today we went out and feel it ourselves. We – Columbus and me asked our host to took us to same lake we went at winter. It looks so different now. And just a little time ago we walked on ice there.
Everything is green and beautiful, and look those cute flowers. We saw other kind of flowers too, but then our host told us it wouldn’t be good idea to go see them. They grow on swamp and although we are not heavy, swamp can swallow us. Spruces also have new spines, but they are almost as soft as I am.
We also found this pond, but it was covered with something green (some plants I guess) It looks like something from the horror movie.
We had very nice walk together, although there were few mosquitos bothering us.
Miss you Mom!
Posted Jun 1, 2013, 5:30 pm
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Lahti, at home, Finland - 21st June 2013
By: sirkku-susanna
Hi Mommy!
Last weekend we celebrated Midsummer here in Finland. Actually we didn’t celebrated much, just eat well and enjoyed peacefulness. Cities are quiet at Midsummer, because everybody who can goes to summer cottages. We prepared delicious meal. These new potatoes are so “easy”, you don’t need to peel them at all, just wash them thorough. And of course we have fried sausages. They have funny name “secret lover” hih! Me and Columbus shared a plate. Afterwards we have sweet strawberries.
This time of year is called time of nightless nights. And now I know why. At last picture it’s almost eleven p.m., it’s very bright and sun is just going down.
Sun is keeping us up very long!
Love you Mom!
Posted Jun 30, 2013, 7:32 pm
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