Beijing, China - 8th January 2014
By: ipuenktchen
hello everybody, here I share some pics from other trips before together with my master papa:
we get ready for chinese New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we are all at home as chinese ppl try to be at home for New Year!
we are a big family - the whole TV-gang!
Posted Apr 27, 2021, 6:44 pm Last edited Apr 27, 2021, 6:48 pm by ipuenktchen
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Beijing, China - 23rd January 2014
By: ipuenktchen
here I share with you more pics from my home in beijing before:
Have a new friend came to our home today. he is from Germany, a horse, his name is Hansi!! He looks very friendly, and I welcomed him very much!
Posted Apr 27, 2021, 7:24 pm Last edited Apr 27, 2021, 7:25 pm by ipuenktchen
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Beijing, China - 27th January 2014
By: ipuenktchen
here I share again with you trips from before together with my master papa and other traveltoys!
we went to TaoRanTing park!! There they have Ice and Snow World amusement A park in the park. I like snow, but unfortunately there is no snow this year in Beijing.
Posted Apr 27, 2021, 6:42 pm Last edited Apr 27, 2021, 7:00 pm by ipuenktchen
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Beijing, China - 1st February 2014
By: ipuenktchen
here I share some other trips with my dear master papa before!
Happy Chinese New Year to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
after dinner we watched the Spring Festival Gala. This is one of the Chinese New Year customs. all the people in this time turn on the TV to watch the show. crosstalk and a lot of songs and danceshow, untill midnight!!!
Posted Apr 27, 2021, 6:18 pm Last edited Apr 27, 2021, 7:12 pm by ipuenktchen
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Beijing, China - 5th February 2014
By: ipuenktchen
here I'm telling about some other trips I made with my dear master papa before....
this day we entered a temple fair together with some other traveltoys.
it was my first time in a temple!
Posted Apr 27, 2021, 6:03 pm Last edited Apr 27, 2021, 7:11 pm by ipuenktchen
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Beijing, China - 20th March 2016
By: papa_always
I'm going to start a new journey.
I’m with Possy&Crossy to go to them home!!!!
I'm really looking forward to it!!!
Wish me luck 
Posted Apr 20, 2016, 10:17 am
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Tabriz, Iran - 6th April 2016
By: ipuenktchen
hi, dearest master papa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
today it had been the great moment, I entered IR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it was boring about 3 weeks in the envi, but today we got thrilled to get free, possy & crossy to have their mom ipue back and all the other great buddies at home, and me, to see ipuenktchen for my very first time, and I think I will be comfortable at their's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! believe it, ipue got tears in her eyes to see Possy & Crossy in a good condition, and the same to them, got all their friends around them and even some new ones!!!!
ipu told us, to say THXXXXXXXXXXXXX A MILLION to dearest ***papa_always*** for all her efforts and so many new countries and last but not least the GREAT WALL, one of P&C's life mission, and finally so many gifts!!!!!!!!
Possy & Crossy are so thankfull, and so is ipuenktchen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and I have to pass a huge thankyou also so EMJAY from delft, from there P&C had been sent to china!!! she even prepared two sleeping bags for them, and so they arrived today at home!!!!!!!!
all the traveltoys gave me a warm welcome, and so did ipue, and everybody enjoy to host me in IRAN!!! lucky guy I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
now, dear master papa, I promise to give you very often my messages and pics so you don't have to get sad about my absence!!!
and now we have to go to sleep, byyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
btw tabriz is the 3rd largest city from IR, an industrial city with about 2 mill. inhabitants in NW of IR, about 300 km far from the turkish border. in IR they are speaking farsi, but here in tab they have Azeri as their mother-tongue and farsi at school, the official language.
Posted Mar 11, 2021, 8:34 pm Last edited Mar 11, 2021, 9:07 pm by ipuenktchen
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Tabriz, Iran - 12th April 2016
By: ipuenktchen
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, dear master papa and all our dear followers, friends & buddies!!!
after some days at home when I got familar with everybody and learn what I have to do not be different from others... hehe.... today we had a guest!!!!!!!!
believe it - today there was a young guy from germany with a funny motorbike on his way to India and Australia...... wooooooow!!!!!!!!!!! he called it QUEEN, and we all traveltoys were sooooooo curious to have a ride with... but no chance, only in the yard... ipue told us: *too dangerous*!!!!!!!
wish you a great & safe trip, dear luis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted Mar 11, 2021, 10:08 pm Last edited Mar 11, 2021, 10:12 pm by ipuenktchen
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Tabriz, Iran - 29th April 2016
By: ipuenktchen
hi, dear master papa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
today we had a cute surprise........... ipue found at instagram the advertising for a great
flower-exhibition nearby - and so we went there! most of all we got surprised by three beautiful flamingos!!!!!!!!!!
the flowers all had been beautiful, and even they had mini-trees there,
none of us hadn't seen before!
and the next surprise when coming out in front of the exhibition we found a brilliant classic car, a wonderful chevrolet from olden times!!!
Posted Mar 12, 2021, 5:07 pm Last edited Mar 12, 2021, 5:17 pm by ipuenktchen
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Tabriz, Iran - 2nd May 2016
By: ipuenktchen
hi, dear master papa, dear friends & followers!!!!!!!!!!
in may it's in Iran the most beautiful spring time and the yard looks so beautiful!!!!!
one of the very early spring flowers in ipue's garden is the beautiful lilac, the minihyacinths, daffodils and tulips as well... and then we had the splendid idea to play with fir cones!!!!!! and it was dear crossy who brought his camera and made really professional pics of each of us surrounded of the flowers!!!
pls have a look!!!!! I wish I could send you some of the flowers!? 
Posted Mar 11, 2021, 10:19 pm Last edited Mar 12, 2021, 5:57 pm by ipuenktchen
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Tabriz, Iran - 9th May 2016
By: ipuenktchen
hi, dearest master papa and all our dear buddies & followers!
today we had to get up quite early and the clock was ringing so loud... puuuuh, I don't like this awfull noise............. our goal was close to us, but we took a taxi as we had been so tired!!!!!!!!!!!!
ipuenktchen told us we were invited for a really luxurious breakfast... so called *brunch* and we got thrilled, what a chance for the traveltoys!!!!!!!!!!! later we had seen they served even STRAWBERRIES, I couldn't believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish you had been here with us and enjoyed the nice gathering, too!! it had been hold to honour the son of one of ipue's friends who got so successfull at university!!!!
Posted Mar 12, 2021, 5:23 pm Last edited Mar 12, 2021, 5:26 pm by ipuenktchen
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Tabriz, Iran - 18th May 2016
By: ipuenktchen
hi, dear master papa!!!!!
today we had a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
in the morning we went out, coz it's the international museum's day and all museums in IR are for free!! so ipue and Mr. ipue decided to went to the qajar-museum. the new yard is opened recently and very large!!!!!! it was full of tulips as ppl told us, but now finished the tulips, but it was a very beautiful area as well!!!!
the qajar museum is also an ancient traditional mansion of tabriz and so beautiful with its coloured stoned glass windows!!
when finished our excursion we went for a yummy lunch at son2 of ipue and of course to see them all, specially the cute little kia and miss viona, only 2 months old!!! and ipue's grandchildren!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is also the home of TV JORIS, and he rest there to be home again!! we kissed each other to say goodbye...
Posted Mar 12, 2021, 5:33 pm Last edited Mar 12, 2021, 5:46 pm by ipuenktchen
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Tabriz, Iran - 12th June 2016
By: ipuenktchen
hi, dear master papa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
today hostmom ipue made me so happy coz she trust me so much,
that I was the only one of all traveltoys who had been allowed to
help ipue baking a cake!!!! I had never heard the name - a charlotte!!
and I was happy to learn this!!!
Posted Apr 16, 2021, 8:33 pm Last edited Apr 16, 2021, 8:37 pm by ipuenktchen
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Tabriz, Iran - 13th June 2016
By: ipuenktchen
hi, dear master papa and others!!!!
I got very proud when I understood I entered at ipuenktchen's toyvoyager family just around her birthday!!!!!!!! yeaaaaaaaaaah!!!! we had so great food, prepared by her lovely daughter-in-law, and a marvelous cake, prepared by herself: strawberries-charlotte!!!!!!! and all told we had a great day and I got in touch with the whole familiy and I'm thinking I'm a lucky guy that ipue gave home to meeeeeee!!!!!
do you think she prepared this kind of cake to honour meeeeeeeeee???????

Posted Mar 11, 2021, 11:51 pm Last edited Apr 16, 2021, 8:38 pm by ipuenktchen
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